Scene 7 - Enough Questions

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​​General Theme:

The Bottom of the Ocean

(In the Marcovaldo kitchen. Giulia is sitting on a chair at the kitchen table, wrapped in a blanket, while at the other end of the table, Alberto is pacing back and forth and trying to think things through. Luca has just filled a glass of water from the sink and comes to place it in front of Giulia.)

Luca: (Gently) Try this. It might help.

Giulia: Thanks... (Reaching out to take it before holding back because it's water)

Luca: O-oh... s-sorry... (Look down in regret, picking it back up to go dump in the sink)

Alberto: (Still thinking before coming to the end of the table to put his hands on it) Okay. When was the last time you touched water? Did anything else strange happen to you today? Do humans even suddenly become sea monsters? Have you ever heard of something like this happening before?

Luca: (Coming back, putting one hand on Giulia's shoulder) Maybe... one question at a time...

Alberto: (Holding up four fingers, practically right in her face) How many fingers am I holding up?

Giulia: (Pushing his hand down a bit) Uh, four...?

Alberto: How many red doors are there in Portorosso?

(Giulia and Luca both look absolutely confused and also a bit... terrified.)

Luca: Alberto... I think... That's... enough questions.

Alberto: (Pulling out a chair and sitting on it) ...That's... fair.

Luca: (Pausing to think for a second before snapping his fingers) He's right, though. When was the last time you... touched water?

Giulia: (Nervously looking down at her hands, trying to remember) Um... I-I... Before lunch. I washed my hands.

Luca: And... they didn't... change, right?

(Giulia gives him a soft head shake.)

Luca: So that means... something had to have happened to you between lunch and now... right?

Alberto: (Standing back up) That's right... and in between there... we went to the market. So what... (Remembering) You were hiding something about that shop. There's no way you could have been a human when we walked into the market, and then you walk out and suddenly have scales and fins and a tail.

Luca: Did... something else... happen at the shop?

(Both boys turn to look at her. She looks down at the table silently, quietly remembering what happened.)

Alberto: Giulia, if something happened to you back there, you have to tell us. We have to figure out how you're... not human.

Luca: We won't be mad!

Giulia: (Little breath) That weird person I told you about... didn't just know about me. She knew about my dad, too. And apparently he... put her pescheria out of business when he opened his. I was about to leave, but the curtains closed, and then everything kinda hurt for a second, and then... She said stuff about my family keeping secrets and I should be careful and- (Putting her head in her hands) I shouldn't have gone in there in the first place...

(At the same time she's been talking, Luca and Alberto have been listening and their expressions have changed as the story continues.)

Alberto: (Under his breath) Piantala... (Basically "Give it a break" because it's so... crazy)

Luca: You're saying... she made you a sea monster?

Alberto: Only one way to find out. (Going right over to the door and flinging it open) We're going right back there and getting answers. And turning you back.

Luca: (Nervous for a second) Maybe we should... just stay here and-

Alberto: If we don't do something, Giulia could be stuck as a sea monster, and... (Pausing) Okay, obviously being a sea monster's not bad because... (Pointing to himself and Luca)

Giulia: It's not... unless you've been a human... your whole life.

Luca: (Hesitating before going over) You're right. (Looking over at Giulia) ...You coming?

Giulia: I... (Breaking off and shaking her head, staying seated)

Alberto: But-

Luca: (Lil head shake at him) It's okay if you want to stay.

(Giulia gives him a little nod in response.)

Alberto: We'll... be back soon, okay? And hopefully, we'll have an answer to this. (Putting a fist against an open palm) She won't get away with... whatever this is.

(Once they step outside into the hallway and close the door, Giulia just puts her head onto her arms on the table. Her gaze briefly flashes to the water glass still on the counter and she shifts the blanket closer to her.)

Luca: (As the two boys are going through the hallway) Are you sure this is gonna work?

Alberto: (Pausing) ...No. But we can't tell her that. (Another beat of silence) Look, I've never seen a... dead quiet Giulia. This is really bothering her. We're her best friends—if anything, we can at least get answers.

Luca: Y-yeah... (As he's about to open the door the outside, taking a small deep breath for courage)

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