chapter four

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I do not own the PJO series and all characters who are not mine belong to rick Riordan

When I woke up I was in the infirmary, there was only one other person in the infirmary. It was a 12 year old boy with unruly black hair, tan skin and eyes as green as the sea, he was asleep in the bed one over from mine. I looked closer at him and he was drooling in his sleep. I heard footsteps and Will walked in

"You are good to leave the infirmary May," said Will as he made his way over to my bed.

"Who is that Will?" I asked curiously as I sat up.

"Oh him, that's Percy Jackson, he just got here last night," Will explained.

When I got back to cabin seven I was greeted by my siblings and was bombarded with questions.

"What did the new boy look like?" asked one

"Have you heard, the new kid defeated the minotaur!" said another

"Hold on, that boy asleep drooling in the infirmary defeated the minotaur?" I asked incredulously.

"Yup he did," Katie answered as we sat down on a couch.

It was almost dinner and as we made our way to the pavilion I saw Clarisse dragging the new boy to the bathroom. She must be really mad at him if she is doing that. Then a loud crash echoed out of the bathrooms and Clarisse came out soaking wet. After dinner we are going to play capture the flag and we were allied with the athena cabin and the hermes cabin. Annabeth said she had a plan and I trusted her, she was probably the best strategist at camp. When we started to gear up she told me to stay on the defense and if clarese came after percy don't help him.

As we were gearing up I decided to use my bow and a short sword just in case. As the game progressed. I pinned a few red team members to trees using arrows, it looked quite funny. When I ran out of arrows I drew my sword, which jumped into my hand and I looked around. But there was no one around to fight. Then I heard yelling and I ran toward the sound. I found Luke carrying the red team's flag across the creek and winning the game. Then all of a sudden there was a growling noise and a massive hellhound from the fields of punishment leaped out of the woods and attacked Percy. The archers with any remaining arrows and Chiron shot the thing to death and it melted into gold dust but Percy had deep claw marks in his chest. To our surprise Annabeth pushed him into the creek and his wounds closed and healed. Then there was a green light that transformed into a trident above Percy's head. We all kneeled.

'Hail Percy Jackson son of Poseidon," bellowed Chiron. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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