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misato was quickly overwhelmed as shinji had transferred control of his fortress and nearly all assets therein to her, the only things which she didn't control were the neo-ayanami-series which belonged to rei and was locked behind her authorization, the seven scimitar units, which were in the hands of the intergalactic union military, and the gladius which was now serving as shinji's personal transport craft, thanks to the fact that all seven scimitar units, and the gladius were equipped with FTL drives, rather slow FTL drives but they weren't starships so no one truly complained, least of all shinji

speaking of after transferring everything shinji boarded his gladius and left the fortress, before katsuragi turned what were his own recourses against him

where did shinji go, tatooine

why would he go to that desert world, well thanks to what was the united federation of planets and their genesis terraforming device, the planet was no longer a giant ball of dust, but was a bright vibrant world with only one human built structure upon it

seraphim manor, shinji ikari's personal estate, shinji's home away from home, he'd miss the comforts of GEHIRN, but he didn't want to deal with misato katsuragi leading an uprising against him, so he chose this path, very few know shinji lives on tatooine after all

a few months into shinji's return to this world, anakin skywalker had brought kyoka and her group to shinji

"kyoka welcome to my estate" i said

"what am i chopped liver" anakin asked feigning being insulted

"your well aware that your always welcome here skywalker" i replied to his snark with some of my own, he smiled

"just pulling your leg my friend" he said, i shook my head

"how did you people take my spartans" i asked

"several of them including commander yamashiro attempted to pick a fight with them, it didn't end well for our side, your spartans are dangerously efficient at their jobs" she said

"well don't worry they are in stasis now, and likely being euthanized by ritsuko akagi, has the union stepped in" i asked

"they have, they've extended an invitation for us to join the union, our government obviously accepted such advancement, unfortunately this means the anti-demon-corps has ceased to exist, and we are all starting from scratch" kyoka said

"not necessarily kyoka" i said, nodding to anakin, who smirked

"i'm a marshal in the military and a high-ranking member of what is becoming the biggest religion in the union i'm sure i can push things along for the chiefs of your organization, well those that deserve it, individuals like commander yamashiro will need to learn some humility before we grant her any kind of power here" anakin said, i shook my head

"don't even get me started on that damn religion" i said

"what what is it" kyoka asked

"the faith of the fallen" anakin said smiling

"it's not even accurate, my EVA is the lord of the abyss, not the lord of the fallen, it's not even technically a fallen angel, it's simply what i see it as" i said

"wait they worship you" kyoka said shocked, i nodded solemnly

"i told you all those years ago, i might as well have been a god, i was not kidding, i did not expect people besides a few fanatics to worship me or my avatar, azrael, the damn religion is going to be the death of me, literally" i said

"what do you mean" anakin asked

"misato katsuragi and her group, the moment they learn of the religion, and who they speak of, i will be hunted, they will kill me, in hopes of quashing the religion i am sure" i said

"then they are fools, we worship your EVA and you by extension not the other way around, and your EVA cannot be killed" anakin said with a scoff

"yes it can, and katsuragi's group are the only ones capable of doing so, if i am dead it will be even easier to kill it too" i said, anakin blanched

"why'd you give them your fortress then, do you want to die" he asked, i shrugged

"i'm indifferent by this point, i had one of two choices, i could A deal with my father and then leave them behind, of which case they would eventually follow simply out of paranoia, they would learn of the religion, and they would start an entire rebellion just to kill me, which would lead to senseless death on both sides before it ends, or i could give them my fortress and they will eventually come to this world to put a bullet in my hand, thousands of death versus one death, i will take that trade" i said

"why not just kill them" kyoka asked

"for what, they have every reason to want me and my EVA dead, i did destroy our world, was it on purpose no, but it still happened, and the only crime misato herself committed is being a bad guardian, not something execution worthy" i said

"what about talking to them" anakin asked

"they have never listened to me before, why would they listen to me now" i said

"because you have the nation backing you" she said

"a nation that literally worships me as a god, that can be construed as a bad thing anakin, what would people say if you were the one worshipped, after nearly killing the entire jedi order" i asked, he blanched

"i think i understand your plight" he said, i nodded

"i'm living on borrowed time, i know it, i just want to enjoy some peace before the time comes, since i refuse to give up my freedom the only option i am gonna give katsuragi is to kill me" i said

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