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reporting to my flagship i found ritsuko and misato on my command bridge

"welcome aboard the ira ascendence" i said

"ira, as in wrath" ritsuko asked, i smiled at her

"very good, Dr., yes as in wrath, this is a longinus-class dreadnought, there are seven of them, i figured it would be fitting to place my flagship on the ira, though i did think about making it the invidia" i said

"does this ship use angel components" she asked

"it does, all tech i use incorporates angel components, they were after all built to face my father, speaking of, comms inform the fleet to depart, helm let us be under way, since they finally decided to show up, i'm gonna assume they are desperate, which means time is short" i said

"how did you figure that out" misato asked

"how many of your crew want you to put that damn collar around my neck, be honest now" i said, she looked down in shame as she muttered something

"speak up now" i said

"all but one of them" she said

"and let me hazard a guess you are not that single individual" i said, she didn't respond practically confirming what i had already guessed

"but this is my ship, and my fleet" i said

"we were here for unit-01" she said

"do you not want the support of my fleet, we can leave the war in your hands of course" i said

"NO, no, that isn't necessary" she said

"i figured" i said

"all ships report ready for jump, sir we are also getting messages from our ground forces they have almost wiped out the problem on their side, and are simply cleaning out stragglers and dealing with nuisances in the corps

"good clear that out, then have them return to base, inform them once the job is done, to initiate code 0, on everything, helm initiate jump" i said

"understood sir" the spartan at helm said, as the clone initiated the dimensional jump drive

arriving in the mostly destroyed earth

"alright set our course, plan alpha" i ordered

"plan alpha" misato asked

"my father is likely expecting you to come to him, plan alpha broadcasts to him that, it won't be happening he will have to come to us, and he will, it will then become a battle of attrition as he attempts to use his overwhelming numbers to break through my wall, as my dreadnoughts will disrupt the awakening of unit-13, he will need to destroy all seven of them" i said, he'd also need to figure out which ship houses unit-01, for there are seven candidates to that as well, i am not broadcasting which ship is my flagship after all" i said

"so you have the better tech, but he has the greater numbers" misato said, i nodded to her glad she understood

"the ultimate goal is destroying NERV and the autonomous assault arks, without them it becomes exceedingly harder to complete his plan for instrumentality" i said

"do you have a plan for unit-13" she asked, i pursed my lips

"technically, if it hits solid ground, i can kill him and it myself, but that is a big if" i said

the fleet has arrived in point alpha-one, and has entered formation sir, gendo ikari's force have received our message loud and clear, but seem to be ignoring it" the spartan said

"set the dreadnoughts to initiate the pulse" i said

"understood" he said

"the pulse" ritsuko asked worriedly

"it disrupts AT-fields, without a formed AT-field gendo ikari is going nowhere with his plan, i told you he'd have to destroy all seven of my dreadnoughts" i said

three days later something finally happened

"sir the three autonomous assault arks are on the move" a spartan reported, as i sipped my tea

"my father finally realizing you aren't falling for his bait, inform the fleet to set to condition 2, inform me when he and his forces enter our airspace" i said to misato

"you seem rather calm shinji" misato said

"because, it will take my father at the least several hours if not several days to arrive at our position depending on how fast those ships and NERV itself is" i said

i was right in that it took four days before the first of my father's forces arrived

"sir the avaritia has reported a scouting part has made it's appearance" a spartan said

"have them take the enemy out with extreme prejudice, use the cypher link that will ensure even the magi system can't pinpoint us" i said

"the cypher link" misato asked

"when the battle is over and we return to my fortress, i'll put together a full report for you to peruse, for now i will say, while it was designed to be used as an encrypted communicator, a side effect of the system makes it very goo at that" i said, she nodded, a few moments later

"orders sent" the spartan said, i nodded handing my cup to a spartan for him to dispose of, before growing serious and sitting up in my command chair

"set condition-one throughout the fleet, all hands to battlestations" i ordered, as the red alert saxons began to blare

the next several hours was spent in hard battle

"we just lost the gula" a spartan said

"that's the third dreadnought, status on the enemy vessels" i ordered

"the gebet and erbsünde have been utterly destroyed their command EVAs have been deactivated and captured, we have removed their entry plugs for good measure" a spartan said

"at least we have bloodied his nose too, continue firing" i ordered

"shinji maybe we should withdraw" misato said

"yes, run away, the only thing shinji ikari has ever been good at doing, you can run katsuragi your ship is docked to my own, you can take it and go, if my father wishes to defeat me he is going to need to destroy every one of my ships, my fleet was ordered that even my death was not stop or impede them from their mission" i said, she blanched at this

"we lost another three squadrons to the enemy forces" a spartan reported

"have the superbia focus it's attention on those damn positron cannons, take them out" i ordered

"yes sir" the spartan said, relaying those orders

misato looked around the ira's command bridge there were fires over several of it's stations, the ship was barely holding together yet, it dutifully continued to fight, it's crew all in that damn armor, but none have yet to even voice a protest against shinji's orders, they seem as set on this course as he was

"i'm gonna kill asuka, if we survive this" misato muttered to herself

"sir, unit-13 has just touched down into the the streets of the city" a spartan said

"prepare the laevateinn" i ordered immediately, a few moments later

"longinus shell armed" the spartan said

"fire, and get me a visual on unit-13" i commanded

the main view screen revealed unit-13 which was impacted with the round fired by the ira, it's AT-field shattering in the process, what happened next would cause nightmares for misato for years to come, as she watched what were supposed to be dead angels rise up around unit-13 and pulling it down with them

"what are they doing, where are they taking unit-13" she asked

"i'm giving my father what he wants he can join unit-01, in the abyss, as my avatar rips the bastard apart" i said, as i sat back in my chair

"inform all the most intact vessels to begin  the second phase of plan alpha, get all damaged ships back to base, it's time to hang up the towel people, were done, it's finally over" i said

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