Scene 6 - I'm a Sea Monster

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General Theme:

That's the Dream (Beginning and later pieces)

(We have now shifted to the beach behind the Marcovaldo house. Giulia comes down to the shore and kicks off her sandals before hopping onto a rock to sit on top of it and look out at the water, which gives us a pretty snapshot of the sea.)

(She hesitates for a moment before giving in with a little smile and wading in, only to accidentally trip and tumble right into the water.)

Giulia: (Pushing herself back up into a position where her hands are helping boost her up, genuine laugh) Santa mozzarella, how'd I do th- (Noticing her hands underneath the water)

(There's a slight shift in the tone of the music and we have already realized that she is fully a sea monster, even though she doesn't notice.)

Giulia: That's... weird... They look kinda... (Sitting back and bringing her hands up out of the water)

(And that's when it sinks in and the music fully downshifts. She starts freaking out and immediately tries to push herself backwards, only to notice her new fish feet. One hand instinctively reaches to tug on her hat, but it instead can only pull down on the fins in place of her hair. Her gaze briefly flashes to the fins on her arms as, through her extreme panic, she tries to register what happened. It's when her gaze returns to her feet that part of her tail finally surfaces and even more fear sets in.)

Giulia: (Pure fear) H-huh-(Looking down to realize it's hers) WHAT- Nonono... I-I DON'T HAVE A TAIL... (Hyperventilating) O-only sea monsters have...

(A beat as the realization hits her.)


(The boys have meanwhile been walking to the beach and almost to the corner, but they immediately freeze when they hear her voice.)

Alberto: Giulia?

(They instantly hurry and turn the corner, only to skid to a complete halt when they notice her.)

Alberto: Wh- How- She's a-

Luca: (Running down into the water and kneeling beside her) Are y-you... okay-...?

Giulia: I-I... I don't know I- (Looking back down at her tail) I'm a SEA MONSTER. I can't- I- (Looking back up at him, genuinely terrified) YOU GUYS HAVE TO HELP.

Luca: W-we're gonna try-... Holy carp how did this... How did this happen...

(Both of them turn to look at Alberto who is still frozen on the shore.)

Luca: Alberto, you have to snap out of it. We need to do something.

Alberto: (Shaking his head) Okay. Okay. (Coming to kneel down beside her too) We're going to get you out of the water, alright? And then you can dry off. Just... don't panic.

Giulia: How am I supposed to not panic?? I-I-

Alberto: I know, I know. We just have to get you out of here. (Trying to stay calm, helping her stand up with his and Luca's support under her shoulders) Y-you're going to be fine...

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