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Junji and Rie sadly watched as KB didn't want to be clingy with Yoojung.


Rie pats Junji's cheek.

"He'll come around. Patience."

Junji watches and sighs.

"I hope you're right hyung.."

"We need nine to make KB jealous."

Nine walks over, looking at them.

"Who am i making jealous?"


Nine watches as Yoojung kero trying to give KB a beautiful Crystal flower.

"I got this."

Nine sips his banana milk.

"Well????" Rie and Junji asked impatiently.

"After the fansign, you'll see."

Rie and Junji look at each other, then back at a smirking maknae.

"This is either going to work, or going to be b ad..."

"We'll just have to wait and see."

After the fansign

Nine was holding Yoojung's hand, as they walked to the van to take them back to the dorm.

Rie and Junji watched Kb's mannerisms.

"This isn't working..." whispered Junji.

"Patience." Came Rie's retort.

KB watched as Yoojung and Nine were happily holding hands.

a look crossed his face and Rie could tell it was working.

Rie wanted to scream in frustration, when KB held his hand quietly.

"It didn't work hyung.." Junji whispered.

Nine messaged the members a voice message.

"I got another idea."

Back at the dorm,

Nine and Yoojung were sitting together watching a movie, his arm around Yoojung's shoulder pulling hin close to him.

KB looked like a lost puppy, while he watched.

Rie, was taking a shower, so Junji waa to s py and see what KB was up to, and report back to him.

KB looks at Nine being romantic with Yoojung, and without another word, he leaves the room.

Junji wrote this down and then felt a hand on his shoulder, shrieking he looked up and sees KB with a very annoyed look on his face.

"What the hell is your problem."

Junji blinked. "My problem??"

"Do you like me seeing the guy i dated at one point with someone else!?!?"

Yoojung and Nine just listened.


Junji shivered slightly at KB's tone.

"I don't know how..."

Rie who was taking a shower, felt really guilty.

Nine felt really guilty too.

The same night.

Nine goes into KB's room.


"Wookjin I'm not in the mood.."

"I wanted to apologize.."

"I SAID I'M NOT IN THE MOO-.. apologize?"

"yeah.. I'm really sorry.."

KB looks at him.

"It was my idea to make sure you watched me and Yoojung hyung hold hands..."

KB felt hurt.

"I was hoping you'd like p ull me away from Yoojung and watch the movie with him."

"What kind of hyung do you think i am..."

Nine was really regretting struggling with apologizing, he wasn't sure how to keep his thoughts in order.

"Yoojung picked you, and I'm not getting in the way of that, i still love him, alot. But I can't tell him that.. he's already dating you.."

Yoojung peeks into the room.

"Kyubin? you.. love me?"

KB's cheeks went bright pink, as he had no idea Yoojung was listening.

KB's face was flushed a bright pink, as he was really embarrassed..

Yoojung goes in and sits with him.

He holds KB's hand.

"You really are something, Shin Kyubin~"

KB was feeling really overwhelmed.


Yoojung kissed his cheek.

"you're very sweet KB~ but.."

KB's mood dipped a bit.

"You're too serious..."







While KB was having a hard time, Yoojung asked him a question, which resulted with him answering with a yes, without realizing what he agreed to.

Yoojung began peppering his face with kisses.

"What did you do..."

"KB, do you miss me and want to get back together?"


KB blushes a very deep pink.

Rie, Junji, Nine secretly listened in and gave each a high five quietly.

Mill was in the living room, being smol and eepy.

he watched the movie and munched some popcorn, with m&ms mixed in.

Nine practically pounced on him and acted cute for his Hyung.

Mill awes and pulls Nine to sit on his lap.

Yoojung and KB smiled at each other and hugged.

Rie Junji went to go to the windows.

"Well. We did a good days work."

Junji smiles and hugs his chicky plushie.

Rie hugs his black cat plushie.

Junji and Rie, look over the city through the Windows, as they sat together like the friends they are 🩵

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