MillJi / YooNine/ Kie (KB+Rie)

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Junji and Rie quietly sat together at the dinner table.

quietly eating dinner.

"So... You're with Mill now..."

Junji nods, sipping his cup of orange juice.

"That's nice.." Rie tried not to hide how sad he felt.

"And you're dating KB?"

Rie nods, sipping his orange juice.

Junji tries to hide how sad he feels.

KB comes into the room and greets Rie with a cheek kiss.

Junji felt sad, that was his and Rie's thing.

"Kyubini can we continue this later?"

KB nods and rushes out of the room colliding into Yoojung.



Junji sighs softly and eats his dinner again, trying to ignore how much he misses being clingy with Rie.

Nine comes in, his shirt off and a kiss mark on his cheek.

"Wow, what happened to you..."

Junji tries making the gesture to not ask.

"I got too warm in my shirt, and Yoojung snuck a kiss onto my cheek."

Yoojung goes and back hugs nine, leaving another kiss on his neck, he runs off, squealing as Nine hug tackles him to the floor, peppering kisses on his face.

Later that night:

Junji was sitting by the window, looking outside, he watched cars go different directions, he saw some people walking around.

He looks behind after hearing a slight cough and he sees Rie.

Rie sits with him.

"the new units are not as nice as I thought it would be.."

Junji glances at him.

"You and Me, we are a match.. but.. i know KB doesn't love me, i know he doesn't."

"Oh.. um..." Junji wasn't sure what to say.

"I know we're not actually dating each other, well.. we're dating, but you're dating Mill, and I'm dating KB."

"I feel like Yoojung and Nine are not a match... Yoojung is an introvert, while Nine's an extrovert."

"Well, Hyung and Niney are grown adults, if they want to see
if they're compatible, then let them."

Nine sits down with them, he was wearing a sweatshirt, and sweatpants.

he had his hand on his stomach, rubbing it gently.

"Did you eat too much?" Rie asked worriedly.

Nine shook his head.

"I just feel queasy.."

Junji hands over his cup of ginger ale soda.

Nine takes sips of it, leaning against the couch.

"I miss our other units..."

"I thought you loved Yoojung?"

"I do.. but I know he loves KB."

Junji reaches back and gently rubs nine's upset tummy.

Rie sighs softly.

"I think we should make amends with our other units and go back to how it was."

Nine dozed off and Junji stopped rubbing his tummy.

Rie sighs softly.

"our unit wasn't really love, we just were friends, very clingy friends."

Junji whispers in Rie's ear;
"I love you hyung."

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