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That following week, Mike finally showed up at school again. Him and Max sat down in their homeroom next to Will and El, as always. "Hey." Mike sighed as he sat down, trying to still act sad.

"Hey" Will replied. "I finished our project, we have to present it today." he told Mike. "You okay?"

Mike nodded. "You didn't have to finish it on your own. You could've called me and I would have helped you finish it on the phone."

"It's fine," Will shook his head. "It was easy. Besides, you were really upset from what Max told me. I wanted to give you some time to rest. I was fine completing it on my own." Max had lied. Mike was fine. Of course he was upset, but not that much. He couldn't be. He had-

"I'll make it up to you. I'll buy you ice cream today." Mike suggested. "Unless you want something else."

Will shook his head again. "I don't mind, Mike. I don't need you to buy me anything." Will said to Mike.

"No, I insist. Meet me at scoops ahoy at seven." Mike demanded.

"But-" The bell interrupted Will. Saved by the bell.


Mike got ready to meet up with Will. He wasn't wearing anything fancy, but he also isn't wearing what he wore to school. Black jeans and a blue hoodie with a band symbol on it. Simple enough for Mike. Mike grabbed his wallet which consisted of ten dollars, his passport, and acetaminophen. He put his wallet in his pocket, he put his shoes on and ran out into the rain.

When he got to scoops ahoy, he noticed Will was already there. He saw him sitting at a table by the newly installed windows that had blue and white waves with ice cream cones in the waves.

Mike pushed through the two clear doors and Will noticed him instantly. Will's mouth dropped slightly at how soaked Mike was Will got up instantly and walked over to Mike. "Are you okay?" He questioned.

Mike nodded. "Let's just get you're ice cream." He told Will.

"Let me give you my jacket." Will took off his jacket and put it around Mike's shoulders. That feeling was back again. His cheeks warm but his neck cold like something bad was going to happen. But Will learned to ignore it. His powers were broken, and soon he would have to tell the president of the Hero's Assosiation that.

"What about you?" Mike asked.

"I don't need it. "

"Thanks." Mike smiled at Will, and Will smiled back with the most gorgeous smile Mike had ever seen. "What kind of ice cream do you like?"

"Vanilla." Will replied as he pulled a five dollar bill out of his pocket. "And I'll pay for both of ours." Will tried to hand Mike the five dollars, but it was already too late because Mike was already at the counter talking to Robin. Neither of them knew Robin well. Well, at least that's what Mike told Will. Will knew Steve though. He used to bully Jonathan. Now though, Steve is trying to make up for it.

Mike came back with a vanilla ice cream and handed it to Will. "Here you go." He smiled at Will again as he sat down next to him at the table Will had sat at when he saw Mike was coming back.

"You didn't get anything?" Will asked. Mike shook his head.

"I have to save the rest of my money." Mike responded to Will's question.

WIll frowned. "Well now I feel even more bad."

Mike laughed it off. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom" Mike got up and went to the bathroom. Two minutes later, he came back and grabbed Will's wrist. "There's a fire. We have to go." Mike pulled Will up.

"Wha-" Will got interrupted again, this time by the fire alarm. Mike held Will's hand and they ran out of the building together, trying to beat the crowds of people behind them. They made it out before a lot of people, but they were slowed down by a crowd when they got to the door

When they got out, Will saw Eleven, El, was already there. Will looked at her for a second before being pushed further out from the building, into the rain. Mike accidently let go of Will's hand because they were being pushed in to different directions, but Mike ran up to Will and gave him his jacket back.

"Follow me." Mike started walking through the mall parking lot and to a 7/11 near by. Will followed Mike into the 7/11 where there was only the cashier, and a mom with her son who looked no older than two.

"How did you know that-"

"I saw it." Mike interrupted. "It was at some restaurant in the mall. It was a gas fire and those idiots tried to put it out with fire." He sighed. "There is a phone over there if you want to call your mom to pick you up." Mike pointed at a pay phone on the wall. He then took a quarter out of his pocket and put his hand out for Will to grab it.

"I'm good, thanks." Will smiled at Mike before going to the phone to call his mom.

Mike started walking towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

"You're not walking home." Will abandoned the phone and grabbed Mike's arm, pulling him over to the phone. "I'll ask my mom to drive you."

"It's fine."

"I insist."

"I said it's fine." Mike pushed Will off of him, making Will fall back on to the wall, before running out of the gas station. Shit.

A.N.: This was shorter than I wanted it to be☹️☹️☹️

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