a waste of time (NSFW)

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It was something out of a horror story. I was living millions of people's nightmares in real time. I couldn't make myself do anything but stand like an upright corpse with the eyes of a man who had seen hell. These entire 12 days I have spent at this camp I had held onto my spiritual beliefs, but being in this certain position, I found myself praying that if there was a God out there, that they would take mercy on my immortal soul and wipe my existence from the face of the earth.
I could tell everyone in the room was waiting for someone to do something. The councilors were waiting for Joseph to say something, Joseph was probably waiting to find the right thing to say, and I was waiting to die. Joseph finally opened his mouth, blinking quickly. After a couple of seconds he managed to choke out one word.
The room was still quiet but people were now looking at each other in confusion. Joseph took the opportunity to run off stage, grabbing me on the way. I went with him with little resistance. He could do nothing that I haven't already done to myself. He pulled us to the back hall of the cafeteria and yanked us both into the kitchen, slamming the door behind us. I was still in shock, and it seemed that so was he, because we sat there for at least 2 minutes in complete silence. Finally, Joseph slowly turned to me. I refused to make eye contact with him in fear I would turn to ash instantly.
“What?” He stuttered. My mouth finally opened like a sealed tomb, only to say the stupidest sentence I have ever uttered in my life.
“I’m not wearing pants.”
I’m going to kill myself, right now, right in front of this man, I swear to god. His jaw hung open, also in awe at my poet's heart, obviously.
“No. You’re not.” He responded.
Wow, we’re both stupid it seemed.
My legs finally gave in and I slid straight to the floor. He reached his palm out to hide his eyes.
“For the love of God, please show some decency.” He scoffed.
“I literally just showed my ass to your entire staff, what’s the point anymore? Also can you even use jesus’ name in vain like that, I thought that was illegal or something?” I was exhausted. He whipped around to me. I suddenly could see just how young he was. Maybe it was the fact he for once wasn’t hiding his true emotions, but letting them show openly. His hair hanging over his face as a tousled mess instead of combed up like a soldier helped as well. I also finally could tell how exhausted he looked.
“Okay, first of all, Jesus is not the same as God, even you should know that! Also, what kind of person runs through a whole camp and doesn’t notice they have no pants on?!” His voice continued to rise louder and louder the more he spoke. I stood up, a bit of a shake in my step, my ankle crying to be put out of its misery. As much as I wanted to not snap back, I was still technically a teen, and therefore was obligated to be moody.
“Christ, you are such a-! Jesus, it’s not like you haven’t seen it before! Why are you losing your shit?” I tugged on the ends of my hair in frustration.
“Okay, you cannot get on my back for using His name in vain when you literally just- wait, what?”
“Yeah hah, I know! You’re a sick little freak that goes around and feels up innocent girls! I caught you!”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about, don't play dumb with me! If you're going to be a pervert, at least own up to it! Or do you want me to go out and tell all your little campers that their perfect ~Mr. Williams~ is a creep who can’t keep his hands to himself?” I turned around, reaching for the doorknob, but I was stopped by Joseph, who grabbed my wrist with a strong grip.
“What are you talking about?” I studied his face, only to come to the horrific realization he might actually have no idea what I was talking about. I bit my lip awkwardly, looking for some way to save myself from this situation.
“Nuffin’.” And my amazing charisma strikes again. He let me go and gave me a serious and down to earth look.
“If someone touched you inappropriately, it’s important for you to tell me, Eve.” He put his hand on my shoulder gently. I had to stop myself from curling my lip in disgust. His tone change was so fake, it could give someone whiplash.
“Yeah, I think I’m good, I’m not exactly jumping at the opportunity of confiding in anyone here, least of all, you. Plus, I’m still not convinced I’m not talking to the offender. I didn’t see his face so anyone with big fat paws like yours are in my suspect list. Goodbye, Joseph, I’m done he-” My ankle suddenly gave out like the filthy traitor it is. At this point I shouldn't even be surprised anymore. Fully expecting to eat major shit, I was surprised to find myself hovering over the nasty tile floor instead. Joseph had me wrapped in his arms. Wait. No fucking way.
“Are you okay?” He said with a strong, heroic voice. I didn’t even hear him, I was too focused on his hand on my ass. If I had any strength left, he would be losing a couple teeth.
“If you don’t take your hand off of me in the next 3 seconds, I will make sure you never see the light of the sun again.” He stuttered a confused noise for a moment before he ultimately realized what I meant. Now, I hit the floor, which I can’t even hold against him. I stumbled to a stand with gritted teeth. He couldn’t even make eye contact with me. Coward. I gave him a nasty look.
“You are the scum of the earth.”
He turned to me, his face bright red.
“I didn’t do that on purpose, I was just trying to keep you from falling, I swear on the Lord's name!” He was really freaking out now.
“Sure, man.” I rolled my eyes. This back and forth was starting to get old.
“What can I do to prove to you it wasn't me?” He was starting to look pathetic, begging for my forgiveness. Why was he so desperate?
“Look man, I won’t say anything, just leave me alone. Also pray harder cuz whatever you're doing right now obviously isn’t enough.”
“What did he do to you?” His tone changed instantly to a deep cold voice and he took a step toward me. My face turned red.
“I’m not going to tell you that!” Now I was the one stuttering. Recalling that night with the guy in front of me made my body heat rise. No way am I telling him anything.
“Just tell me what happened and I’ll prove to you it wasn’t me.” His jaw tightened, blue eyes burrowing into mine. I was starting to feel a bit nervous. For some reason, his face was making me lose track of my train of thought.
“There is no way you could possiby do that.” He was bluffing, right?
“I can convince you it wasn’t me.” He was as serious as a heart attack.
“Fine, go ahead, prove it wasn’t you.” I crossed my arms in defiance, desperate to hide my shaking body. The tension between us was so high, I almost wished I was back to being half naked in front of the staff.
Suddenly, Joseph had his arms around me, pinning me to his strong, warm body. I could feel his muscles through his polo shirt and I could hear his heart racing.
“Wha-” I had no time to say a word because his hands were already all over me, running down my back, finger tips teasing my skin. His palms quickly reached my butt and squeezed me with a unique firmness. His hands were larger than I thought, and stronger. He had a sort of assertiveness that I hadn’t felt before. Oh my God. It really wasn’t him that night. I found myself gripping his shirt for dear life, it was honestly embarrassing. There was no fabric in the way as there was before, only my underwear, whose edges he occasionally played with, making me think he was going to slip his hands underneath, but never actually doing it. He pulled away from me, surprisingly, to my disappointment. I was practically panting, goosebumps covering me head to toe.
“There, does that do it? It wasn’t me.” He looked uncomfortable and ready to leave, however, I found myself selfishly aching for more.
“I-I’m not sure.” I almost wanted to clasp my hands over my own mouth. I couldn’t even look at him, I was so embarrassed. I was the pervert all along it seemed.
“Are you serious?” He looked dumbfounded. I wanted to run away because I knew what was about to come out of my mouth would doom me for good.
“He did it from behind.”
OH. MY. GOD. The air around us was silent. I continued to look anywhere but in his direction. There was a long drawn out sigh. How fast could I run? Would I reach a cliff in time before these choices could catch up? I was about to speak up and disregard what I had said but he spoke first.
“Turn around.” He said shortly. I could feel my face heat up, my brain was on the verge of exploding. Slowly, I shuffled to face the door like a prisoner about to get stripped searched. So why was I waiting on the edge of my seat? I clenched my teeth so as to not make any noise, but it didn't work. As soon as his chet pressed into me, I gasped slightly. Not too loud anyone nearby could hear, but lets just say, if you were practically crushing me against a metal door with both of your hands on the small of my back, you would hear it loud and fucking clear. He continued, however, but stepped away slightly, to my disappointment.
His hands were slightly familiar to me now, feeling it from the back did not change a thing. However, something changed a lot. His hands were doing much more than just grabbing me. His thumbs were hooked in the leg bands of my panties, his fingers slipping underneath. They were colder than I expected, or my body was just hot. They traced the shape of my ass. Another gasp almost managed to escape when his thumbs slid down, further to the crotch. Just his fingers grazing me was enough to make me shiver. I hope he didn't notice how wet I was.
One finger rubbed a more sensitive area and I suddenly came to the astronomic and incredibly late realization that the man touching me was Joseph. I instantly stood straight up, accidentally losing my balance, falling into him. During this movement, I managed to complete the exact opposite of my goal and caused both of his fingers to go straight in me, which came pretty easy due to the fact I was basically dripping with pleasure by now. The problem was that I let out the loudest moan I possibly could have. I didn’t even sound like that during the first time I had actual sex.
He pulled his fingers out of me almost instantly, which also made me let a small whine, this one much more repressed. When the gravity of the situation really hit me, I realized I was royally fucked. I just made a leader of a church camp not only grope me, but also accidentally finger me. If there was a hell, I would certainly be seeing it.
Against my better judgment I turned around slowly. My worst fear had come true, unfortunately. Joseph was looking down at me with a pale indescribable look of horror. The hand I had just violated hung limply off his arm. Quickly, I came up with some sort of excuse.
“Yeah, you're good, totally clear of suspicion, don't worry about it anymore, I don't have pants on!” And just like that I was out of the door, leaving the frozen man to his own vices. I noticed a lost and found box and desperately searched inside for anything that would be suited for pants. Damn, those church kids kept their stuff tight to their chest, the bin was practically empty. Then, I came across a pair of tights covered in loose plastic leaves. I finally found where those pants that came with Eve's costume went. Those little shits. I pulled them on and darted out of the cafeteria at the speed of light. Or at least for two feet before I collapsed to the ground.
My ankle throbbed in pain and I finally had to come to terms with the fact it fucking hurt. I laid limply on the ground, wondering how I managed to get myself in this situation. I had always been pretty level headed, responsible, even smart at some points. Now, I was laying on a cafeteria floor like a beached whale, no shred of dignity or respect left to my name. Church camp had taken everything from me. And now I was going to start crying. I sniffled into my arms pathetically, not sure if I was crying because of the embarrassment or because of my twisted bones.
A shadow cascaded over me like an executioner and I knew exactly who it was. I refused to move, hoping if I was completely still, Joseph would take pity and pretend he couldn’t see me. That wasn’t happening unfortunately, as I felt his hand wrap around one of my arms and began pulling me to my feet. He wrapped it around his shoulders and lifted me up into a princess carry. Much more than I deserved. I continued crying softly.
“It hurts.” I whined like a baby.
“I know, it will be alright. I’ll take you to the nurses office. Mrs. Shelby works miracles.”
“I’m sorry. About earlier. I-.”
“Don't worry. The Devil tests us in many ways. Temptation is part of being human. The important part is recognizing our sins and repenting to Our Lord. His forgiveness is boundless and He loves all of His children.” He smiled his tight fake smile at me again. I had no energy to say anything back.
“Amen, I guess.” I sighed. He turned away, still smiling, carrying my shriveled body with ease. I didn't even bother to look at all of the kids lining up outside their dorms, staring at us. I was too tired to care for the peanut gallery. My head fell back, all their little faces hanging upside down, making their faces seem happy about me for once. I made eye contact with Calico. It was easy to spot her from a distance as she looked ready to pounce on me, no pun intended. I couldn’t explain why exactly, but seeing her scrunched up mug made me giggle. Without a thought, I stuck my tongue out at her and she practically turned purple. I laughed a bit harder. I could tell Joseph was looking down now so I locked in, pretending I wasn’t just antagonizing a 12 year old. Mrs. Shelby was waiting at the door, tea on hand. Her and Joseph greeted each other warmly. He placed me on the bed gently, as if I was going to fall apart. He turned to Mrs. Shelby.
“Keep her here please, Betty. Once she can put weight on her ankle, send her back to the dorms. If she needs anything, have her call her group counselor. I’m buried in work and I don’t have any more time to waste.”
“I understand, Joseph. And please get some good rest soon.”
“Please, I’m fine. As long as I’m doing God's work, I’ll have all the energy I need.”
Joseph left in a hurry afterward, leaving me and Nurse Shelby to ourselves. For some reason I kept thinking of him saying he had “no more time to waste”. I guess I was just a waste of time to him, huh? Shelby placed the warm mug of tea she had brewed for me onto the table beside me. I flipped to the wall and pretended to fall asleep, both me and Shelby knowing I would be awake for a long, long time.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 19 ⏰

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