Chapter Eleven

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Nathan had his arms wrapped around his stomach, feeling like his insides had turned into a gloopy mess and were slushing around inside of him. it hurt and made him feel incredibly ill. He was also burning with fever that made him sweat and his sheets stick to his body. He groaned and rolled over.

His mother looked over at him anxiously from where she was talking with the doctor at the other end of the room.

"Give him a few days rest and the medicine I gave you and he will be right as rain by Friday," Dr Black murmured, hand resting on the doorknob, briefcase held in his free hand.

"Is he contagious?" Mary asked her face a mask of worry.

"Not from what I can tell. It's just a stomach bug, but I wouldn't recommend any visitors for a while," Dr Black said gently, opening the door a crack, "I will check back in the morning."

"Thank you so much, Doctor," Mary murmured as he left.

Mary came over to Nathan, kneeling next to him and smoothing out her simple white dress. It was the plainest thing she owned, and she only wore it when either Nathan or his father were sick. "How are you feeling?" She asked, brushing Nathan's forehead with a cool, damp cloth.

Nathan groaned and rolled onto his back. "Like my insides are having a dance party," he said weakly, closing his eyes against the harsh brightness of his room.

"You will be alright, baby," Mary murmured, "just another four days."

Nathan moaned and curled up on his side again.

The loud, donging ring of their doorbell made them both jump.

Mary sighed. "I will answer it," she said, getting up and leaving the room.

She was gone for a while, so Nathan guessed whoever it was had really, really needed something. Either way, he was given some peace from her overarching care. It was almost like she didn't want him to sleep, she talked so much! But it wasn't too long before he heard her two-inch heels clicking on the marble, then thudding softly on the carpet in the hall.

She appeared in the doorway, looking a little annoyed. "I know what the doctor said, but he insisted, so you have a visitor," she said quietly before ducking out.

A few seconds later, a very familiar, messy-clothed, black-haired boy came through the door, half shutting it behind him. He looked over at Nathan, pale green eyes filled with worry.

"Luis," Nathan breathed weakly, holding out his hand.

Luis came over, his feet making no sound on the carpet. When he reached Nathan's side, he got down on his knees and took Nathan's hand in both of his. "Nathan," he murmured.

"What are you doing here?" Nathan asked, looking at his boyfriend with half-closed eyes.

"I went home early and made Mother's dinner, then came here to—to stay the night. You look like you might need some company," Luis murmured, blushing heavily.

Nathan smiled. "I'm too sick to do much," he said quietly.

"That's alright," Luis smiled, "Oh! I almost forgot!" He reached into his jumper pocket and drew out a half-eaten block of chocolate, "Mrs Stone gave me this for not tripping over in PE! I saved some for you!"

"Thanks, Hun, that was really sweet of you," Nathan murmured, taking the bar and setting it on the bedside table, "When I feel like I can eat again, I will try it."

"Are you that bad?" Luis asked, concern coating his voice.

"I'm not great," Nathan allowed.

Luis leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to Nathan's forehead. It was the first time Luis had kissed him first, and Nathan felt himself blush heavily. Luis then moved to kiss his lips. Nathan would have liked to kiss him back, but he felt too weak, so he made do with running his hand up under Luis's shirt. His skin was cold to the touch.

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