Chapter Ten

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When Luis woke Monday morning, he was met with the familiar rush of anticipation that followed weekday mornings. He would get to see Nathan again after a whole gruelling weekend without him.

He sat up, yawning and stretching his arms above his head. He stood up and went to use the chamber pot when he noticed a note stuck to his window and a container with a thick slice of red velvet cake in it. Luis smiled at the cake, he had been waiting all weekend for it. On the night of the Prom, a few hours before the cake had been brought out, Nathan had convinced Luis to try whisky. Luis had found he liked the brew and had drunk way too much and ended up heavily drunk and violently sick, throwing up in a bin outside the front of the school, Nathan laughing and patting his back.

Smiling at the memory, Luis went to the window and opened the side that the container was not sitting on and took it and the note before shutting the window again. He opened the container and the sweet, sugary smell wafted up to him, making his mouth water. Ignoring his need for the bathroom, Luis sat on his bed and took a bite of the cake. It melted in his mouth and had the faint trace of raspberries.

He took another bite as he started to read the note. It was from Nathan, he recognised Nathan's messy, curly scrawl. But as he read, he stopped chewing and his smile, and good mood, evaporated.

Dear Luis,

I thought I would save you a slice of cake, you were looking forward to it so much!

I just wanted to let you know I'm not feeling too crash hot. I can walk around just now—delivering this note to you—but I know by morning all I will be able to do is stumble to the bathroom. I don't know how long I will be away, so I need you to be strong, ok? I know you can do it, Luis. Don't let them into your head, alright? All they say are lies to make you feel bad. You're amazing, you're handsome, you're smart, you're a great kisser. Keep that in mind and when I come back, I will make up for my absence... I already have plans.



Dread crept into the pit of Luis's stomach. He hadn't had to deal with bullies since he met Nathan. Even that dark wave had stayed back somewhat. But now...

Luis took a deep breath and finished his cake. He would be strong for Nathan, or he would try to be. No! he wouldn't try, he would. He would be strong. He had to be.

He got up and used the chamber pot, quickly emptying it out the window before leaving his room. The hallway, while free of dirt at Luis's expense, was covered in mould and blunt splinters stuck up out of the floor. There were no photos on the walls, the only decoration was some interestingly shaped strings of mould. There were even some old blood stains on the floor halfway down the hall from the time his mother had nearly broken his nose.

When he got to the kitchen, which was just as mouldy and dirty, he found a few pieces of stale bread crusts sitting on the counter. There was the smell of cigarette smoke in the air, telling him his mother had left the house. She never left without a cigarette.

Feeling glad that he had had the cake beforehand, Luis choked down the stale bread, grabbed his ratty backpack, and left for school, his shoulders hunched against the hell he was about to walk into.


As soon as Luis walked through the glass front doors of the school, the mutters started. People gave him funny, and mocking looks and laughed and whispered behind their hands with their friends.

Luis kept his head down, hair falling over his eyes and his arms around himself as he walked down the school hall, not wanting to meet anyone's gaze.

"Hey, Gay Boy!" Someone called out, Luis tried to ignore them, but the whole place burst into laughter. Luis walked faster.

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