07: Rude Interruption

Start from the beginning

But when life beats Caleb down, he endures it with a smile. He doesn't lose the shine in his eyes and faces forward with no regrets.

You have to admit, you admire him for it. Even if he might not have suffered as much as you have in your lifetime, it takes a certain type of person to be able to stay optimistic in the face of adversity.

Caleb blinks. "What is it? Is there something on my face? Uh... I mean, other than all the gauze covering my nose."

"No. It's nothing." You smile brightly. "I was just thinking you're really cool. I like how you're always so positive, no matter what. It might be hard for me to pull off, but I'm going to try to be more like you from now on."


It takes a few seconds for your words to sink in, but once they do, Caleb's cheeks practically burst into flames.

"Y-You're giving me way too much credit," he chuckles bashfully. Even the tips of his ears are getting red. You wonder if he's not used to being complimented so earnestly. "It's no big deal. I just don't want to waste too much energy being upset about things. But... I'm glad you think I'm cool. I have to admit, it makes me feel pretty good about myself."

You smile again. Going to the hospital is hardly a festive occasion, but with Caleb by your side, somehow, it's actually kind of fun.


"...I'm not being a bother, am I? B-Because if you're not comfortable doing this, I completely understand," Elliot stammers.

You chuckle softly. He's as neurotic as always, it seems. You think it's rather cute how much he fusses over things, but at the same time, you'd rather he didn't get so worked up for no reason.

"I wouldn't have agreed to spend time with you if I wasn't comfortable," you reassure, setting your apron aside. Your shift is just about to be over, and you're closing again, so the coffee store is empty apart from the two of you.

Elliot blushes. "Oh. I-I guess that's true. Sorry. I just really don't want you to feel like I pressured you into doing this..."

"Of course not. I like being with you. You're my favorite customer, remember?"

You playfully pinch his cheek to emphasize your statement, and his blush deepens tenfold. He even shrinks in on himself, awkwardly fiddling with his thumbs. To think that a vampire with strength and senses far superior to yours would be so timid... it just goes to show there's all kinds of people in the world.

Before long, you've cleaned up and closed shop for the night, and then you step out into the dark of night, filling your lungs with fresh air.

"It's kind of chilly," you remark. "It's getting colder and colder these days."

"Really? I think it feels quite pleasant. It's a lot better like this than when it's warm."

Well, that answers your question from before. It looks like vampires are much more comfortable at lower temperatures. You briefly wonder exactly how hot is too hot for them, but ultimately, you decide not to ask.

You flash Elliot a smile. "Okay, well, we're here now, so what did you feel like doing? We could maybe grab a drink someplace nearby, if you're up for it."

"A drink? Oh, um... I guess we could. But truthfully, I've never worked up the nerve to try alcohol before," he admits. "I heard the taste can be pretty strong, and I'm not sure if I have the stomach for it."

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