Chapter 6

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Alex p.o.v.
'You don't think-

I cut her off. 'I do not know how he would get past all of the Warriors of this pack?' before Beth noticed that I didn't get right in, I took the shirt and flung it to the edge of the woods, knowing that if Beth smelled it, she would learn something is up. Still, I underestimated the wolf's sense of smell because Beth was at my side instantly. "get in the car. I smell another wolf." She growled, and we jumped in the car. "I'll mine link Marcus," nodding, the nerves reached my core. I can't imagine how uncle is messing with me like this in well-known territory. "do you think someone could've got past the border and the Warriors?" I asked, a ball full of nerves.

"no, we've never had an unknown wolf loosely roaming the territory," She said, starting the car immediately. "the fact that you escaped still baffles me."

"Oh," my worry wasn't that uncle was messing with me; it was who he would go through to get to me.

"Anyway, during the full moon, I was going to be with you, which I still will, but now we have to get you out of the house on that night so you can shift. I assume you need to on every full moon, and as far as the other symptoms, we will handle them as we go," She stated, trying to shift the topic from an unknown wolf on their territory; we traveled along, almost in silence with the occasional conversation.



The trip felt quick. Once we were at the Pack-house, Beth jumped out and hurried to my side. "act cool."

I chuckled. "I have been, but it feels like you've never kept a secret."

She playfully let out a little growl. "I have so." Beth helped me out of the car, and we walked toward the front door.

"hey, Alex," Marcus greeted. He and Kyle hadn't left the porch

"I'm here too," Beth whined, stomping her foot.

"That's what you have a mate for," he teased. Truthfully, I thought Marcus would have headed to bed by now, considering he told me that I would be talking to Beth and going to bed, but here he stayed on the porch, waiting for me to return.

Kyle's head popped up, eyes meeting Beth. "there's my beautiful girl," he gushed, and she ran into his arms, practically jumping up the deck stairs. Marcus stared at them, almost in a dream-like state.

"Why don't we go eat, and then we can all go to bed?" Marcus suggested. I nodded, following them inside. "we can all have dinner. I know no one has eaten recently."

"I'm cooking," Beth chirped, and I witnessed Marcus sigh in relief. "What's everyone's pick?"

"Wings," Kyle answered

"Pizza," Marcus offered

"Alex, what do you want?" Beth asked, Looking over at me.

"I don't know tacos." I'm not used to making decisions. It made me nervous.

"tacos it is!" Beth screeched, skipping into the kitchen. Marcus and Kyle sat down at the table. It seemed like I could never not have a seat at this table at least once a day.

" Alex, you can sit next to me," Marcus said, pointing to the chair beside him.

Following his suggestion, I sat down. "How was your talk with Beth?" Kyle asked, sipping from a glass of water in front of him.

"it was good. I finally understand," I stated, mainly directing it at Marcus.

"Are you coming to the full moon party?" Kyle questioned.

"yes, as Marcus's date," I mumbled, looking at him beside me. He had a giant smile on his face.

"really" Marcus in disbelief

Runaway *teenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora