Chapter 3

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alex p.o.v.

'don't do this,' Cleo warned

Unlocking the window, slowly sliding the screen up, and breaking the mesh outside, I climbed out of the window, holding onto the ledge

Please let me land on my feet.

'you're a cat,' Cleo stated

'You landing on your feet is not the same,' I snapped back, closing my eyes and releasing my hands from the ledge; it took what felt like two seconds for me to fall to the ground....landing on my feet.

Well, ill be damned.

Looking around, I saw no wolves around then, wasting no time. I ran straight into the woods, Pushing past the brush.

Where I went was fine as long as I got away from here.

marcus p.o.v.

Finishing the phone meeting with another pack, once I put that phone down, my attention is on my mate. I headed for the door; it hadn't been long since I had been gone. Getting up the stairs took two seconds for me, considering I had climbed these steps thousands of times. Once I opened the door, there was no sign of her. I checked the bathroom and several small hiding spots before noticing the open window. My anger flared when I realized she had run away.

'she has a reason,' Sam spoke up, slamming through my thoughts


Beth flew through the door. "Seriously?! What did you do!"

"Nothing!" I growled, "She was sleeping, and now she is gone!"

"she couldn't have gotten far without someone or some pack noticing her," Beth stated before going to join the search

My mind was racing; all I wanted was for my mate back

"Hey, everything ok, dude?" Kyle asked

"Truthfully, no, Alex ran off, and it's my fault," I stated

"You'll find her; she is just scared," he said

"Thank you," I said, adding, "Come help find her with me."

"of course, alpha," he smiled

alex p.o.v.

Running for what felt like 2 hours, I landed in another town. Not pushing my luck, I passed it, heading further into the forest; growls made my skin crawl. I turned around slowly. The site before me was two wolves strolling toward me. One was blond, the other white and black; stalking forward, shifting myself would just give me away, so I froze, not knowing what to do for the hundredth time since a few days ago. The blond wolf shifted instantly after looking at his friend, looking away, knowing he was naked; the man before me spoke, "I'm covered now. You can look; my warrior will stay in wolf form."

Looking straight at him, he was about 5,8. Blonde hair, facial hair, and dressed in jeans with a plain purple shirt. "I am beta Cody; what is your business in the fortem pack."

Not knowing if I could talk, I had to try, or they might kill me. "" I spat. My voice came back thanks to having a fast healing ability because of Cleo.

"Well, come with us; you will need to meet the alpha so he can determine if you're a threat," the beta Cody stated, weighing my options. This pack might not be as gentle as the last, so I nodded, tired of getting roughed up. Cody points, "Our pack house is a mile this way, just in case you think you can get away." In the blink of an eye, he had handcuffed me to him.

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