rising above

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>>>>>the same night
>>>>>location:High luxury inn
In the opulent confines of the ancient Korean living room, Lysandra sat gracefully beside her future husband, Jong-min, and his mother, their figures bathed in the soft glow of candlelight The room exuded an air of tranquility, its walls adorned with intricate tapestries and ornate furnishings.

As they sipped tea, Jong-min appeared lost in thought, his brow furrowed with contemplation. Tomorrow held the weight of uncertainty, a pivotal moment in their journey together. His mother, too, wore a look of concern, her gaze drifting between her son and his beloved.

Lysandra observed the silent exchange with a sense of understanding, her presence a source of strength and reassurance. Though the path ahead was fraught with challenges, she remained steadfast in her commitment to Jong-min and his family's well-being.

Breaking the serene silence that enveloped the room, Lysandra turned her gaze towards Jong-min, her expression one of gentle curiosity tinged with concern. With a soft voice that echoed through the tranquil space, she posed the inevitable question, her words hanging in the air like wisps of smoke.

"What is your next step from now on?" she inquired, her eyes searching his for guidance and direction. Aware of the weight of responsibility that rested upon his shoulders, she sought to offer her unwavering support and guidance, ready to stand by his side through whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a hint of hesitation betraying his resolve, Jong-min addressed Lysandra's query, his words measured yet resolute in their intent.

"We need to acquire land to establish a firm foothold in the capital," he began, his gaze steady as he outlined their next steps. "I also plan to delve into the realm of agriculture, seeking to cultivate prosperity from the fertile soil."

Pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, Jong-min continued, his voice gaining confidence with each word. "Additionally, I believe presenting a sum of money to the royal family as a gesture of goodwill may pave the way for us to attain the title of nobility, even if only in name. This, in turn, could facilitate valuable connections and alliances within the court."

As he spoke, Jong-min's eyes sought reassurance in Lysandra's unwavering gaze, trusting in her wisdom and support as they embarked on this journey together, determined to carve out their place in the intricate tapestry of nobility and power.

Lysandra's eyes sparkled with approval as she considered Jong-min's plans, her mind already weaving strategies and tactics to ensure their success. With a nod of agreement, she offered her own insights, her voice carrying an air of confidence and determination.

"Purchase the most barren, unwanted land available-the cheapest and least desirable," she suggested, her tone firm. "Turn it into a symbol of our resilience and resourcefulness, a testament to our ability to thrive against all odds."

Pausing momentarily, she continued, her words laced with strategic intent. "As for the tribute to the royal family, double or even triple the sum-be bold, assertive. Make it clear that you seek a title, demonstrating your confidence and capability. Show them that you are a force to be reckoned with, a valuable asset to the kingdom."

A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she added, "And subtly remind them of the benefits of reducing the Kim family's influence, planting the seeds of alliance and trust. After all, who could resist the allure of power and prosperity?"

Both mother and son stood in awe before Lysandra's cleverness, their minds racing to grasp the depths of her strategic thinking. However, Mi-sook couldn't help but question the wisdom of purchasing barren land, foreseeing potential disadvantages and a lack of returns in the long run.

she who lived has come to rule Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz