[Unite SMP × Origins SMP] Reincarnation of the Past

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Butterz's case was the worse out of everyone. because Box fully trusted him with his life, despite not having met before, and Butterz doesn't even Knowing Him.
his first words to Butterz was literally "Do I know you?" because he Very Much feels like it. and somehow, despite Butterz saying No, he still trusts him wholeheartedly.
despite being murdered by him, despite something in him fully breaking(he couldn't tell you why Butterz hurting him hurt him so bad. he doesn't know him, he doesn't), some bit of him still trusts him.

.. he didn't go to the end to read. a library was never built, because he didn't feel as though it'll be safe, he just. wants it on him. he can't let any of it be destroyed.

sure, he still.. somewhat trusts Butterz. he doesn't blame his team too much, despite everything. but after that, he can't just. focus on only the world anymore. he can't just focus on what changed about the world. he has to figure out what changed about him, about everyone.

he needs to go out to the ocean.
he needs to figure out if it's still here.
(he still doesn't know what he means by it.)

so, he told Snas about it. he'll be leaving. he doesn't how long, or if he'll come back, but he's leaving. he needs to know if what he's feeling is real, or if he's truly just delusional. Snas is okay with that. he has been around him enough to know how badly this messes his view of everything, so if this will give him some sort of closure.. so be it. TScott and Red doesn't know of this till they came back to the base.

Snas has asked if any of them could come with him. Box answers that he wants to be alone on this, but if they want to come with him, then they can. "maybe after a few days," he says, trying to ignore the pulsing in his chest. the star in there, nonexistent to the world. Snas respects his wishes.

Box finds the Island within a few days. and he unconsciously goes to his very much exploded 'secret' base. he stands in it and remembers that, yes, he has been here. for much longer, for much longer then he has ever been alive, for much longer then he was on the Origins Island.

"Unite" stays in his mind, it's both a name and a familiar command. he continues exploring, slowly remembering what happened here. the horrors and the fun, the pain and the laughter. how everything went wrong, so quickly.. how he ended up in the End with no way out.
he wonders if Butterz & Nether are still here. HIS Butterz & Nether, not whoever murdered him & is dying constantly.

... origins!Nether reminds him of Ghost Nether. he doesn't know what to make of it.

TScott, Red & Snas finds the Island 3 days later, and finds Box at his destroyed wooden home. he sees them, and couldn't muster the will to look at them in the eyes, couldn't handle seeing the version of them he knows and not them.
he doesn't remember crying before they found him. he wonders if he was crying that whole morning.. probably.

he hates that when the starbones got his attraction, he forgot that purple was a color they wear. he forgot that it was only clothing, that TScott's eyes were always ourple. that it wasn't happening again.
he was just happy he didn't try and attack them in his panic.

it was awkward, meeting them again. his mind was much clearer, and he could actually tell the difference between the Origins versions of his frens and his own. it was.. a struggle to explain to them what he has learnt. TScott kinda already thought he was a bit unhinged, but... he trusts him.

they vaguely believed him. the Starborns had heard of this Cursed Island before, and was specifically told to stay away from it, and only investigate the island they landed on. but well, TScott isn't the most obedient.

having them around was much nicer then he thought it'll be. so, it was much easier just.. remembering, without fearing for his life every five seconds. they keep him grounded in a way, even if they aren't purposely doing so.
he still misses his TScott & Snas.

... Box didn't know that people from his era was still alive. he rlly, rlly didn't expect to find Butterz, his Butterz, just.. sitting at the lava pool. where everything ended.
he didn't expect to remember everything all at once as soon as he saw his best friend's face.

apparently, the Cursed Island's time is..


everything from here on out isn't thought of yet xPP

- origins!Butterz would meet Unite!Butterz at some point, people would start learning about what the hell happened at the Island, and Sam is still a problem. rip.

- Box & Unite!Butterz are definitely staying a Duo this time tho lmao. the 2 & Unite!Nether, actually. the survivor trio :3!!
Unite!Butterz & Unite!Nether met eachother because they stayed on the island, deciding to travel deeper into it to basically start a new life there.

they planned on leaving, but found out quickly that.. well. the Kingdom that Butterz came from, is Gone. nothing but barely recognizable husks. and Box isn't there. the others weren't there, who survived and was told the same thing. no one was there.

something went wrong here, and now there's nothing to come back to.
it was very awkward to explain that to Box.
(the Unite kingdom was one of the first places that were attacked by the White Eyes, because this was where he was born. no wonder he went mad lmao.)

- the wither star is still very much Active. even more now that Box's more emotional, being at 'Home' now. his hair and wings start having white streaks appearing, his blue eyes are much lighter now, & his pupils are stars too. and after long enough, you could see the star in the middle of his chest, glowing. pulsing.

it makes him. a lot more energetic, but also.. fidgety. he moves a lot, physically has to, or else he'll build up energy and Bad Things happen when it fuckin' Explodes.
yeah this man also has lighting. because apparently it's canon he can just. Do That.

despite the danger, Unite!Butterz & Unite!Nether still stays.

- the Cursed Island basically went untouched by Herobrine lmao. it's cursed for a reason :p
there's a reason no god comes here.

- yes, Box kept his whole.. no memory of before, only feelings to his team and his team only. he just. didn't rlly wanna focus on it at the time, only the world. so yea, that sure turned out Fine lmao /lying.

- Team.. whatever name. Rinzler's Team is definitely Not Okay with Box. they definitely see him as some sort of threat.
it doesn't help with the tension.

and uh. that's about all i got rn.
hav fun with it<3

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