Chapter One

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One winter afternoon, the Losers gathered up outside of the school shortly after the bell rung.

"So what are you guys doing after school?" Eddie asks

"Why? You wanna hang out?" Richie asks as he waves his eyebrows up and down

"Ew, no I was asking everyone not just you Richie!" Eddie responds. "Well I wouldn't be able to anyway, I'm too busy with your mom after school" Richie chuckles

"Ew you're disgusting!" Eddie screeches "Actually-" "Can you guys just stop already? You're making my head hurt with all of you're bickering." Stanly interrupts

"I'm f-free after s-school!" Bill exclaims "So am I" says Stan. "Oh I'm not, me and Richie are hanging out at the fair" Beverly answers

"Well maby we can all go there!" Richie explains the plans and sets up a time. "Oh I'm sorry I can't go I have football practice" Ben says

"I'm not either." Responds Eddie

"Why aren't you going?" asked Mike. "It's a carnival, do you know how many diseases you can get there!? Think of all the dirty animals like elephants! And imagine those clowns blowing up the balloons and handing them to you.. You don't even know where those hands have been! What if they didn't wash them after their last meal, or even worse GOING TO THE BATHROOM!!!" Eddie responds

"Oh c'mon Eddie, it's not that bad! You're going to be missing out. Besides, we're all going but Ben." Beverly tries to convince Eddie to come

"Yeah you should come Eds, it'll be fun!" Richie says "Thats not my name Richie!" Eddie shouts."You know you love it." Richie responds

"Fine I'll go, but only if Richie stops calling me 'Eds'"

"Sorry Eds, but you're out of luck not going to happen." Richie smirks, a smile plays at his lips. Eddie rolls his eyes, and gets off the stairs.

"Guys I gotta go my mom's expecting me for dinner if I'm late she'll flip." Eddie says "Me too!" Mike says "I gotta do some barn work"

"Ok but remember we're meeting at the Derry Circus at 6:00!" Beverly says. The two boys stick up a thumbs up and dissappear around the corner.

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