-𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 I-

845 31 59

Current Day


The sound of the school bell echoed throughout the hallways before students came pouring out of classrooms quickly filling the previously empty space. One student stepped out from a doorway to a classroom with his hood up, H/c hair peaked out from the hood.

The student moved through the hallways before approaching one of the red lockers rested against the walls, the difference between the lockers next to his and his were the nice little decorations others had on their lockers while his only had graffiti that read hateful things like. "Half-Breed" "Freak." "Devil Spawn." Shit like that, you know the usual.

The student scoffed at the graffiti on his locker while listening to the music that played in his ears thanks to the earbuds he wore, music could be heard to anyone near him as he liked to listen to it loud and drown out the rest of the world.

Y/n's POV

I'm not sure whose sick idea it was to create public schools cause they suck, I do not respect the sadism behind that decision. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the subjects they teach but I could do without the stares I get from other students.

I continued to walk through the halls sticking to myself, I'm not like them. To them I'm a freak, a monster... Or half Monster I guess.

My mother was an Outcast, Creatures and beings of the supernatural, my father on the other hand was a human, I say was not cause he's dead or anything, I just don't know the prick as he left my mother not only when he found out what she was an Outcast, but also when she was pregnant with me. I know, what a dick

This made me a halfbreed, an outcast amongst both sides, neither being fully on either side nor fully accepted by either respective sides.

I continued my walk down the stairs of the stairwell intending to leave the school and head home, as I made my way down the squared spiral I ended up having to walk past a group of guys I knew had a problem with me and what I was.

Silently, I sighed to myself before proceeding down the steps and began approaching them, gaining their attention as I passed by all while ignoring the scoffs and glares I got while moving through them.

Finally, I reached the bottom of the stairs and started my way towards the exit to the school, unaware that I was being followed.

After a few minutes of walking the path back home I was stopped when I was grabbed and pulled along, it all happened so fast that I had no time to react or fight back as I was dragged into what looked to be an abandoned parking garage.

After a few seconds I was slammed against a wall with my back pressed up against it, in front of me was the group of guys I passed in the stairwell. "Who the hell do you think you are Freak?" One of the guys from before said in a cocky tone. "Watch out Kyle Blackwell might use his abilities on you!" Another one of them joked.

"Nah the freaks harmless, he won't do anything he's just a big ol weird pussy." The leader Kyle said before looking over at me. "Ain't that right monster boy?"

All together there were 4 guys, the leader of the them pressed me against the wall while his yes men stood behind him, oddly enough they had a girl with them who was keeping watch near where we entered the parking garage.

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