Fat Nuggets Exercising

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As Alastor is sitting in his radio station connected to the hotel the little cat he manifested with some of his power is running back and forth.

It's running so fast that its body hits the walls as it swings its body around.

Letting out a sigh Alastor stands up from his chair and walks to the door and opens it.

The cat's ears turn towards the sound of the handle and rushes out of the room as soon as the door cracks open. "Have fun my little friend." Alastor grins at its retreating form.

It begins to sprint down the hallway and all the way down the stairs until it makes its way into the lobby.

It stops to breathe as it examines the room with its beady eyes. There are a few people sitting in the lobby such as Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust.

None of them seem to notice the cat as they are all focused on the conversation they are having. The cat continues to huff out breaths as its eyes dart around the room.

The cat's grin somehow becomes larger as its eyes lock onto something next to Angel Dust, his pet pig Fat Nuggets.

The cursed little cat immediately starts to move its legs and lunges for the innocent pig.

Fat Nuggets lets out a scared squeal as it jumps from Angel's side. The cat follows closely in pursuit causing the chase to be confined to circling the sofa.

"Who the hell let that freak of a cat out?" Angel screeches as Charlie tries to calm him down. The cat lets out a growl as it tries to gain distance on the pig.

He ignores her attempts to calm him as he joins in the chase trying to save his pig as Vaggie groans out.

Noticing the new addition to the chase the cat decides to mess with Angel by changing its running speed in hopes of tripping him.

Angel groans out frustrated as he continues to try and grab Fat Nuggets. It's clear the pig is not used to exercising as he's starting to have trouble keeping up his speed.

"It's okay, Fat Nuggets just come to me. Come here let me grab you." Charlie just stands near the sofa confused at the situation as Angel says this.

"Why did we let Alastor create this monstrosity of a creature?" Vaggie asks Charlie as she just shrugs with an awkward smile.

The cat lunges once more and gets Fat Nuggets in his grips. Angel yells as he tries to separate the two.

Alastor then appears quite pleased at the situation in front of him. As Angel is finally able to pry Fat Nuggets out of the cat's grip he stands up straight as he gently pets his pig.

His eyes then focus on Alastor's grinning face. "Control your fuckin' he'll spawn of a cat." He then looks back at it and grimaces. "And fix its face or something. It's fuckin' creepy."

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