Lost to the Stars

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"Leah, these robots are the same species as me, I'm sure of it!" Tailgate assured me. I perked up. "They sure did look a lot like you," I replied, definite. I rode Silverstream to the giant crater where I got shot, and Tailgate followed. 

We talked and laughed. It was about a 15 minute ride before something made Silverstream jump back. Her head was moving around, scanning the forest for any sign of danger. "'Cons?" Tailgate asked suspiciously. 

"Wait, you mean the purple robots who nearly killed me a week ago?" I interrogated. 

"What, how did you know-" An explosion cut Tailgate off. "What was that?" We turned, and found out we were being followed. By Decepticons! 'How'd they find us?!' I thought. I saw Silverstream hide behind a tree, so she was most likely safe.

Tailgate equipped his cannons and started shooting to protect me. I traveled through a portal using my powers, landed on top of one of the footsoldiers, and used my supernova sword to stab him right in the spark.

Defeating 'Con after 'Con, Tailgate and I were on a rampage. We hit everyone like it was nothing.

Until everything went black.


When I woke up, again.. I was in one of those glass jars the 'Cons trapped humans in. I heard a faint hiss, which made me jump. Pitter patter, pitter patter. Sounds filled wherever I was. But it wasn't the Decepticon warship.

I heard the pitter-patter again, and recognized the Decepticon at once. "Looking for Tailgate?" Arachnid cackled. "He's hanging around here somewhere. The sweetest revenge I could possibly devise against you two is terminating the autobots."

I shot her a dirty look. "I don't know who or what you're talking about, but you will never get any intel from me, creepy crawly." That just made Arachnid cackle." That's what I thought. And since you're stuck in a jar, I might as well bring Tailgate to you." I saw footsoldiers drag up a very injured Tailgate, and dropped him to his knees right in front of me.

"What did you do to him?" I asked in anger, banging rapidly on the glass.

"Not much... yet. Just tell me what I want to know, or... well... you're a smart girl. I think you can imagine what happens to Tailgate next."

"I don't know about the Autobots. I swear, it's the truth!"

"We shall see." Arachnid then walked over to Tailgate, and while he remained completely unresponsive, Arachnid got a dagger ready.

"No!" I yelled. "Don't!"

Unfortunately, though, Tailgate collapsed to the ground, and energon spilled all over the floor. My partner was dead. 

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