Chapter 2: Winterfell

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"Enya, Enya get up"

"Enya, wake up"

Visenya opened her eyes, the bright sun causing her head to throb. "Tal shut up, I'm exhausted", she replied groggily. "Visenya!", Talia shouted. Visenya sat up, angry until she saw two men on horses in front of her. One she recognized, Lord Eddard Stark, warden of the north. He didn't recognize her. "Who are you girl, are you a Targaryen?", the other man asked. "Princess Visenya Targaryen, this is my dragon Starfyre, and this is my handmaiden Talia. Where am I may I ask?", Visenya replied confused, having no recollection of the night before. Ned seemed shocked as the other man did. The men dismounted their horses and bowed to Visenya. "Princess, please accept our apologies, it has been so long I didn't recognize you. What are you doing this far north without an escort?" Ned said as he gave the other man a look. Everybody was equally confused.

Ned had brought his ward, Theon Greyjoy, for a morning ride, when they stumbled upon a dragon of all things. Knowing there are very few people in the world can ride a dragon, they went to investigate. Visenya had no memory after the coronation from the wine, but Talia did. "My Lord, the princess wanted to see Winterfell as it will soon be her home so we flew here late last night, we apologize for any inconvenience, we will be on our way", Talia said timidly. Visenya and Talia went to wake Starfyre and begin their journey back to King's Landing when Lord Stark spoke. "Girl's wait. If the princess wants to see Winterfell, it's just a little ways down the road". Talia smiled excitedly, her mother was originally Dornish, she had never seen farther than the Riverlands let alone Winterfell. Visenya on the other hand was nervous. Yes she had wanted to see Winterfell the night before in her drunken state, but now she was embarrassed, dirty and hungover. "Yes my Lord that would be exquisite", Talia said excitedly. Visenya agreed to please Talia. She knew how much they would miss each other in a months time, at least now Tal could see where Visenya would live soon enough, know she would be okay. They climbed onto Starfyre and followed the men on their horses. Talia could sense Visenya's tenseness so she asked "Enya, what's the matter? Aren't you excited?". "I am I'm just embarrassed. My future father in law and his ward have just seen me in such a state, that's not how people should see a princess", Visenya replied. "You're not just a princess Visenya. You're kind, you're funny, a dancer, a singer. The Starks will soon see that, you'll be apart of their family", Talia said as she brushed her fingers through Visenya's hair. Talia always knew how to put Visenya's mind at ease.

Soon they arrived, Winterfell was all Visenya expected and more. Massive round tower tops, covered in snow. The Godswood she had heard about, weirwood trees with big red leaves. She was in awe. "Talia look how beautiful it is, look, look", Visenya squealed excitedly. They landed Starfyre outside the gates of Winterfell. "Stay here Star, I'll be back soon", Visenya said as she scratched Starfyres chin. Visenya and Talia walked through the gates of Winterfell with the head of the Stark family. Suddenly she didn't feel so displeased about her engagement. Yes she would miss the southern sun, her dear sister, her people. But she wouldn't mind calling this magnificent place home. "Lord Stark you're home is truly beautiful", Visenya said. "Thank you princess. Robb will be pleased to hear that", Ned replied. Visenya had forgotten for a moment that this was where her betrothed lived, Robb Stark. She hadn't seen him since her brother's wedding, she didn't know if she would even recognize him. She saw two men and a girl walking towards them, one of them looked familiar, what if it was Robb? "Father, Arya says she saw a dragon flying towards us, can you please tell her it was her mind", the shorter man said. The girl was Arya Stark. She didn't know the two men. "Arya's eyes didn't deceive her. Robb, your betrothed has decided to pay an unexpected visit", Ned said with a smile. The two men bowed and Arya curtsied. "My princess", the taller man said as he kissed Visenya's hand. This was Robb Stark. Visenya couldn't fathom how she had forgotten this man, he was much more handsome than she remembered. Tall, muscular and a gorgeous face, she definitely wouldn't mind being married to Robb Stark now. Just looking at him she felt butterflies, she felt herself getting flushed as she looked down at him.

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