Chapter 1

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Y/N sat in class waiting for the bell to ring.

She had her 6th period class apart from all of her friends

Richie, Eddie, and Bill all had Science together, and Stan was in Civics

Of course, you were stuck in Algebra. You were kind of happy that you got to be in an advanced class like that, but it sometimes sucked being one of the smartest people in the school.

At least you didn't have Coca-Cola lense glasses like Richie. Who knows how much people would make fun of you if you were super smart and looked like a complete nerd.

The school day was going by so slow.

Especially when you had no friends in your classes.

All of the classes were movie days and parties, but being introverted, you hated it and sat quiet in the corner reading Stephen King's: Pet Semetary.

Stephen King is the best. Y/N is like the biggest fan of horror. Especially when it seems like it could actually happen. When it seemed,


When the bell finally rang, Y/N ran down to try and catch up with her friends.

When she finally found Richie, Bill, and Eddie she heard them yapping about Stan's Bat Mitzvah and dicks

"What the hell are you talking about?" Y/N called

"N-n-nothing really" Bill stuttered

"Were talking about Stan's Bat Mitzvah" Eddie replied

"Hey guys! Wait up!" You heard Stan call from behind

"Hey Stan what happens at the Bat Mitzvah anyways? Ed says they slice the tip of your d-d-dick off" Bill said

"Yeah, and I think the Rabbis gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd, and says Where's the beef?!" Richie remarked

"Wait, isn't the Rabbi Stan's dad?" You asked

"Yeah, wouldn't he already know?" Eddie commented

You all let out a chuckle

"At the Bat Mitzvah, I read from the Torrah make a speech and then suddenly I become a man" Stan said

"I can think of funner ways to become a man," Richie replied

"Richie, that's disgusting" You reply

"And I think you mean more fun" Stan added

As you guys are walking out you see the Bowers gang

They always freaked you out

They picked on you guys for as long as you can remember

Bill for his stutter, Stan for his religion, Richie for his glasses and being a trashmouth, Eddie for being small and a hypochondriac, and you for being the infamous trashmouths  sister and being a girl that hangs out with a bunch of guys.

I guess that's something yall had in common.

You all were losers.

Patrick kept on staring at you in a way that made you so uncomfortable.

They all have ever since you got your period, and your boobs started to grow.

God being a woman sucked.

Also being judged on the way you look. Being sexually harassed, but what can you do.

You try to look the other way but the way his dead eyes followed you made you wanna slap him.

Then he licked his lips and you about lost it

You turned around, and when you opened your mouth, Richie pulled you away.

He knew that you saying something couldn't make it any better.


When you guys got outside, you dumped out your backpacks

"Best feeling ever" Stan said as you dumped out the last of your stuff

"Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time" Richie remarked

"Shut up, that's disgusting," you reply

"Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked

"I start my training" Richie replied

"Wait what training?"

"Street fighter"

"Is that really how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?"

"Beats spending it inside your mother" Riched made a sound implying that he wanted someone to laugh but no one did

"You wish" You reply

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stan asked

"Guys, we have the b-b-barrens," Bill replied

"Right, sorry," Stan apologized

Bill had been trying to find Georgie all year long. It made you feel bad to admit it, but he was dead. There was nothing you could do but try and make Bill feel better about it. So if that meant going to splash around in shitty water, you would do it.

You looked around, and your eyes settled on Betty Ripsoms mom. A shiver went down your spine. You felt bad that she was still trying to find Betty.

"Betty Ripsoms mom" you say your voice shaking

"Is she really expecting to see her walk out of that school?" Stan asked

"I don't know, it's as if Betty's been hiding in home ec. for the past few weeks" Eddie added

"Do you think they'll ever find her?" You ask

"Sure in a ditch all decomposed covered in worms and maggots smelling like Eddie's mom underwear" Richie replied

"Shut up, that's freaking disgusting-" Eddie remarked

"She's not dead she's m-m-missing" Bill stuttered

You could tell he was thinking of Georgie

"Sorry Bill she's missing" Richie said trying to fix things, "Ya know the Barrens aren't that bad, who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water"

Just then Henry threw Richie and he fumbled on Stan.

Patrick grabbed Stan's Kappah and threw it away

Belch did what he does best, actually I don't think he does anything else, and burped in Eddie's face

And then Patrick grabbed your boobs and threw you on the ground

"FUCK OFF YOU PERV!" You screamed back

He just laughed

"What's that baby? You want more? Well don't mind I'd I do!" He replied

He started to grip at his dick.

Just then, Bill came and slapped him across the face. Thus causing Henry to shove him.

Henry went for a punch, but then noticed his dad.

"You got a free ride this year because of your little brother. Rides over Denbrough.  Summers going to be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends" Henry licked his hand and wiped it on Bill's face

"Wish he'd go missing" Richie said trying to lighten the mood.

"He's probably the one doing it" Eddie commented

You guys all watched as they took off in Hughins' car.


A/N: Hey so this story is a work in progress and I don't really know how it'll do. Please tell me if you want more added and I'll try to add whatever you guys ask for. Also tell me who you guys want to start falling for first (Ed, Bill, or Stan) Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️

Y/N Tozier x Eddie x Stan x BillHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin