Uh oh, Peanuts sick.

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Jose woke up at around 2AM to hear Peanut coughing. Jose raised an eyebrow. "You alright, mi amor?" He asked. Peanut nodded. "Yeah... yeah I'm okay..." he responded. He was infact not okay, he felt sick. Jose smiled slightly, putting his hand on Peanut's forehead. "Dios mío, estás caliente..." Jose said. Peanut looked up at Jose with confusion. "I'll be right back, okay?" Jose said, getting up and leaving the room. Peanut coughed again and just laid back down. Jose came back a few moments later with a thermometer. "Open." Jose said, grabbed Peanuts chin. Peanut opened his mouth and Jose put the thermometer in his mouth. "Hm... yeah your sick..." Jose said, taking it out of his mouth. Peanut frowned, looking down at the blankets. "I'm sorry..." Peanut said quietly. Jose frowned a little also, putting a hand on Peanuts thigh. "What are you sorry about?" Jose asked. Peanut just shrugged and laid down again. Jose smiled softly, laying down also, pulling Peanut into a cuddle.
It is now morning, and Jose was the first to wake up. He yawned and stretched, and then looked at Peanut. He smiled slightly, and kissed his forehead. He put a shirt on and walked out of the room. As he entered the kitchen, Walter was there drinking his morning coffee like the grandpa he is. "I heard Peanut coughing all night. Is he alright?" Walter asked. Jose nodded. "He's just sick. Nothing to worry about, hopefully." Jose said, grabbing the box of colored pencils, marker etc. Walter shrugged, walking back to his room. Jose went back to his room to see Peanut about to throw up. Jose gasped quietly, looking around to find the nearest garbage can. He grabbed one just outside of their room, and gave it to Peanut. "Gahh.. don't look at me..." Peanut said, gagging. Jose didn't look at Peanut, but he was rubbing Peanuts back. "It'll be okay, mi amor..." Jose said.
                                             [Small timeskip]
After Peanut threw up, he fell asleep. Jose was laying next to Peanut, holding him close. Then they heard the door handle rustling.
Melvin walked into Jose's room without knocking. "I heard gagging, what's going on?" Melvin asked. Jose jumped. "Uh, one you should have knocked, and two, Peanut threw up. Also could you possibly take the garbage can?" Jose said. Melvin looked at the garbage can. "Ew... okay... is Peanut okay?" Melvin asked. Jose nodded. Peanut woke up. "Mh.. huh..? Oh- MELVIN?!" Peanut yelled, coughing. Melvin waved. "That is correct! And hi!" Peanut waved back, until Jose grabbed Peanut's shoulders, and forced him to lay back down. "No, no, mi amor. necesitas descansar..." Jose said quietly, putting a hand on Peanuts forehead. "Thank you for uh... checking on him." Jose said, smiling slightly. Melvin smiled back, taking the garbage can and leaving. You can hear Melvin saying "ew ew ew!" with the can until he got outside. Jose chuckled. Peanut bit Joses hand, and Jose had no reaction. He just glared down at Peanut. "No biting." Jose said. Peanut growled, attempting to get up. Jose just held him down. "Peanut you're sick, you need rest!" Jose said. Peanut growled again. "But I feel fine!" Peanut said, holding in a cough. Jose knew and just giggled. "Yeahhh sureeee." Jose said, putting a hand on Peanuts cheek. "You still feel warm." He said. Peanut rolled his eyes and gave Jose a SASSY. ASS. LOOK. Jose glared back. "Keep looking at me like that I DARE you. And then maybe I'll bite you." Jose said. Peanut growled, not looking away. "Just because you're sick doesn't mean I still can't punish you." Jose said, squeezing Peanuts hand slightly. Peanut coughed, and attempted to bite Jose again. Jose just held Peanut down, until Diane walked in. "You two alri- WOAH-" Diane said, looking at both of them. "SORRY SORRY!" Diane said, covering her eyes. Jose giggled. "We weren't gonna do that. Hes just being... kind of an idiot." Jose said, glaring at Peanut. Peanut giggled, flipping off Jose. Diane slowly walked out of their room. Once Diane completely left, Jose grabbed Peanuts chin with force.
"quit being so fucking loud." Jose said. Peanut snarled at Jose, rolling his eyes. "And quit being a brat. I don't care if you're sick. I mean, I do, but I don't." Jose said, holding Peanut down. "Shut up!" Peanut said. Jose growled back at Peanut. Before Peanut could say anything, Jose kissed him with force. "You're lips will be on more than just my mouth if you keep acting like this." Jose said, letting go of Peanut. "Well - maybe I'll like it!" Peanut said. Jose raised an eyebrow. "And I'll make sure you WONT like it." Jose came back at Peanut. Peanut growled, and gave up. Jose chuckled. They got interrupted again by Url. "Dude Walter wanted me to check on you guys because I guess he heard banging coming from here." Url said, staring at his phone. "Uh. Yeah we're fine." Jose said. Url shrugged and walked out. Jose raised an eyebrow and looked at Peanut. Peanut looked at Jose also shrugging. Jose chuckled. "Okay then..." Jose said, laying next to Peanut. Peanut attempted to bite Jose. "What did I JUST tell you..." Jose said, glaring at Peanut. Peanut giggled and just crawled into Joses arms. Jose just chuckled, and held him. "Your mood changed are weirdddd..." Jose said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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