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A splash of cold water on my face causes me to wake up. I gasped for breath as I tried to wipe the remaining of water off my face. Keyword 'tried to'. I further realize that my hands were tied and so are my legs.

"Good morning"

I looked up to see a man in a black shirt, looking at me. Who is this guy? How did he find me? Why did he took me? What is his name?

So many questions were inside my head. But then I was splashed with water again.

"Oh my God. What the hell? Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" This guy was so rude, he's getting on my nerves. "I am Jisung, and you know damn well why are you here." He introduced himself simply, but it wasn't doing much for me. I need this stranger off of me.

"Now, you're a witnesses. We can't simply let you go, can we?" this Jisung said. I slowly recalled to the moment where I saw the cashier was shot dead upon me. Oh.

"What do you want me to do? It's not like I was there on purpose. I need to buy a few things." I said, trying to hide the fact that I was actually scared of him. He could i alive me anytime if he wanted to. "Wow no need for the explanation lady. We know, we just need to make sure that you won't cause any trouble if we let you go. You will go out soon, just not now. Maybe in a year, or a few months if you're lucky."

Hell no, what did I do to deserve this kind of treatment.

I stared at Jisung as I ran out of words to say. But then it clicked my mind. How many of them are here? "How many of you guys are here?"

"I can say a lot, you will get to know them later. For now, there is just 7 of us in this room" A voice interfere. "I'm Jaemin. Nice to meet you." He seems sweet, by sweet I meant not too intimidating like Jisung. "May I know what's your name?" He asked as he crouched besides me. I stared at the ground, insisting on not telling him my name. No matter how sweet he seems, he is still a stranger to me.

"Oh nevermind, I understand." He gave up.

Suddenly, my stomach felt like it was being stabbed. I cursed the situation because God knows for how long I haven't take a shower since last night. I bet I smelled so reek.

Maybe my reaction was quite obvious that Jaemin asked me. "Are you okay?" he sounded pretty worried. However, I hesitate on telling him because, well, he's a man. Does he even know about this menstrual cycle thing?

I pointed my stomach at him.

"You want to poop?"

"God damnit I'm on my period! And you guys decide that it was a good timing to take me here." I crouched to endure the pain. Some whispers emits inside the room. I heard someone saying 'hyung, what is a period?' sigh.

"Jeno, could you please bring her to any available room?"

A Samoyed-looking guy flashed his smile at Jaemin and walked toward us. He had such a captivating eye smile.


The room was pretty decent but too plain to my likening. It's fine though, it won't be for long.

"In the wardrobe, you can find few of our clothes. Feel free to wear it for now, at least. We will buy your clothes later. And if I wasn't mistaken your essentials are in the drawer in the wardrobe." Jaemin explained.

"Thank you." The awkwardness in this room is astronomical. So I told them to go out of my room for me to take a shower. They were hesitating at first, scared of the fact that I might ran away.

"I can assure you I won't run away. I just need to clean myself now, please?" Finally, they left the room. I went through the wardrobe and I took a shirt, along with a pad and underwear. How do they knew my size though? Lucky guess?


After taking a shower, I laid on the bed. There's nothing much I can do. The ceiling was having a staring contest with me and eventually I lost, drifting into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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