Introducing Rex

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~Peter parker pov~

Once we got to my room I saw the pot was still under the desk when we got there.

I tossed my backpack aside and dragged it out from under the desk, trying not to have the water slosh out.

"You got a pot?" Ned questioned.

That was just before the little crocodile popped his head above the water with a glare.

Him and Ned stared at each other for a while.

"A crocodile," was all Ned said as he continued to stare at him.

"There was a crocodile on your fire escape..." I nodded my head at him.

"Yeah," I told him.

Ned glanced at the door before loudly whispering, "Do you think someone brought her here because you're Spider-Man?"

I stared at Ned, "No one else knows except for Mr. Stark, and Mr. Stark wouldn't sell me out. So I don't think whoever left her would know," I told him, plopping myself in my chair.

"Then why would someone leave a crocodile in a jar on your fire escape?" I shushed him and looked at the door, Aunt May was barely tolerating me being Spider-Man.

I had no idea she'd react to a tiny scaley crocodile with five fingers and the ability to stand on they're hind legs living in one of her big pots in my room.

"She doesn't know?" Ned whisper-yelled.

"How do you think she'd react?" I whisper-yelled back at him.

The little crocodile made a small chirp, once again mocking me.

Ned stared at him.

"he likes to mock people" I informed as he did a little chirp and a little flip, splashing water onto the desk.

"Does he have a name?" Ned asked.

I shook my head "he got here last night, I wasn't exactly focusing on names."

he pulled himself up so his arms were holding his head above the rim of the pot to stare at us.

"I think he wants one," Ned commented as she stared at us intently.

"Uhh, what about crock?" I suggested.
he stared at us intently.

"Uhh, what about Nile?" I suggested.

The tiny crocodile only raised an eyelid.

"Spike? Crog? Mako?" Ned and I kept suggesting names.

The crocodile didn't appear to like any of them and started growling.

"Rex?" Ned suggested.

The little crocodile seemed to perk up and stopped growling at that one.

"You like that one?" Ned questioned with a smile forming on his face.

he splashed his tail a bit in the water, getting more of it on my desk and chirped.

"Okay, Rex it is then"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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