That day he understood that he would rather eat a spoon full of nails than watch Nanon get handsy with anyone else. Also, that he felt very passionately about the matter. Passionate enough to not talk to P'Tay for at least the next month.

It may have been impossible at first, but he really was in love.




Ohm would be lying if he said that he did not freak out at the lawyer's office. Oh, he would be lying big time.

Mr. Mark first announced that the custody had been granted to the Godfather, which meant him, and Ohm could not hear anything after that until he heard about the joint custody. Maybe it is too soon to say, but Ohm was sure P'Mix was laughing in his grave. As if in cue, the baby started squirming in his arms again, maybe feeling the tension itself.

He was not, from any angle, ready to be a father. He was a kid himself. There is no way he could raise one by himself. What if he fucked up? What if Neo turned into a druggie? What if he hated Ohm when he grew up? What if -... Ohm could hardly breath now and even though Mr. Mark's office was huge, he felt like the walls were closing in on him.

He got up from the chair in a flash and carefully handed Neo over to Nanon and just ran out, leaving behind two shocked faces. He ran until he was outside the building and on the bench by the sidewalk, on which he dropped down with a thump, with his face in hands.

He was not running away from Neo. He would never do that. He loved the kid too much. NO. He was running away from the possibility of his own failure. He could handle the company. That was no problem. Business he knew. It was parenting that he didn't. He could not be responsible for fucking up a kid. And on top of that he had the joint custody with Nanon. They were literally the most toxic chemical explosion waiting to happen. Making them do this together was a sure shot way of fucking up the kid. What were P'Mix and P'Earth thinking?

His thought process was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.

"Ohm." It was Nanon. Can this man not give him a moment of peace?

"What?" Ohm snapped.

"There is no need to snap at me. We can talk like human beings for two minutes." Nanon said. He was right. It was not like whatever was happening was Nanon's fault. He was in this mess too. They were in this together.

"Nanon..." Ohm sighed, finally looking up to see Nanon standing there with a deep frown on his face and Baby Neo on his hip. Ohm could cry. It was going to be like this from now on, wasn't it?

Nanon took as an invitation and came and sat next to Ohm, adjusting Neo on his lap.

"Look Ohm, I don't have much to say to you. I know you are freaking out. Believe me, that's me too. But I just don't think we have the luxury to do that anymore." He bounced Neo gently on his lap, slightly tightening his arms around the baby. "If not for us, they will put him up for adoption, which will never happen, not on my watch. So, I completely understand if you want to back out. I can do this alone."

That set Ohm off. He turned his face towards Nanon, and said with a hint of anger, "Nanon, I would like to think you know me better than this. You know no matter how I feel about this, I would never abandon Neo." The 'or you' was left unsaid.

"There is no need to play the bigger person here. I am going to be there for the kid." Ohm's hands were back on his head, as he felt the headache return and Nanon was not helping at all. He could not believe how much his life had changed in the past one week.

(Ohm Nanon) How to Build A Family.Where stories live. Discover now