Scene 3 - Have Fun, Kids

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(Inside the kitchen of the Marcovaldo house. Giulia is excitedly looking over a new book while Luca and Alberto look on each side of her.)

Luca: (Excited) Your mom really sent you a whole book about sea monsters-??

Alberto: (Genuinely impressed) Not bad. She's got taste.

Giulia: (Turning it over and flipping through it a bit) Well, it's not exactly about sea monsters, ragazzi. It looks like... stories about them. (Slightly annoyed) Really? She sent me a book about fairy tales?

Luca: (Eyes shining) Maybe there's the story about the clownfish!! (When Alberto looks at him in Seriously?) What? That one is a good story!

Alberto: I like the one about the kraken better.

Giulia: (Shrugging and setting it on the table) I'll put it on my bookshelf and tell her thanks.

(Mr. Marcovaldo comes in from another room and picks up a suitcase and hat waiting by the door and then coming to the kids.)

Mr. Marcovaldo: The money for the market's on the table. Remember, don't leave the windows open past ten.

Giulia: (Arms folded, rocking back and forth on her feet) Sì, I know.

Mr. Marcovaldo: And there's extra ham in the fridge if you need it. It's in the bottom drawer.

Giulia: Sì.

Mr. Marcovaldo: I left a note on the door to remind everyone the pescheria's closed, but if we have an emergency order, you'll take care of it?

Giulia: Sì.

Mr. Marcovaldo: And if they call my phone instead of the house phone, I'll have them switch their call over. And you'll remember to feed Machiavelli?

Giulia: (Sigh) For the millionth time, sì. I've watched the house before. And I've got these two fish-faces to help me out this time. (Putting her arms around the boys' shoulders)

Alberto: (Completely relaxed) Everything will be fine. We've got it under control.

Luca: Have fun on your trip!

Mr. Marcovaldo: (Smile) Grazie. Have fun, you three, and don't get into any trouble. (Starting to head out the door)

Giulia: We will!

Mr. Marcovaldo: (Pausing at the door frame) Be good, or get into trouble?

Alberto: (Thinking about it before getting excited) ...Both!

Giulia: (Elbows him right in the stomach, nervous laughing) He means... the first one... Definitely the first one.

Mr. Marcovaldo: (Laughing) Wouldn't doubt it for a second. Have fun, kids. (Closing the door behind him)

(There's a brief silence.)

Alberto: (Looking at the money on the table) That's for the... market thing-?

Giulia: Yeah. It goes all over the Italian Riviera at the start of every summer, and a bunch of people come together to sell different things.

Alberto: So... can we go?

Luca: (Right next to him) Please???

Giulia: It's not open until tomorrow-

Luca: (Both him and Alberto looking so hopefully excited) So we can go then??

Giulia: (Looking sideways out the window and thinking) Hmm...

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