however his eyes widened in fear as a trap door opened below Luigi and he descended down into a pit, his eyes widened as soon as he saw there was nothing below to cushion our fall.

"Oh no!" Luigi yelled, "WERE GOING TO DIE!"
the pit became filled with a layer of sand. Luigi then landed face first into it.

"Where did this sand come from?" He said as he coughed up sand and was wiping it off his face. "Oh, of course" then he sees polterpup jumping down, "of course You will always be there to save me won't you?"

"Look there's a gap!" He said as polterpup was pawing at the hole in the wall, Luigi pushed the sand towards it with the poltergust and they were able to make it before getting buried.

After dodging another trap with the use of Gooigi, they made our way up a ladder and came back to the room were the giant hole sat, "we should try and cover that hole," Luigi mumbled, "there's a door right up there, maybe the sand overflows in this room we can get up there?"

Gooigi agreed and they looked around for anything that could block up the hole, maybe the answer is in these rooms? "I think we should tackle these rooms, let's split up."

"What?" Luigi exclaimed, "but these rooms could be filled with traps!" He was right...there was a chance for them to get killed...especially Luigi but

If they don't do this then they'll might be stuck here forever.

"We need to do this, so we can escape."

Gooigi didn't wait for him to answer as he went into the room on the right.

The ground was obviously covered in sand and snakes were alerted of their presence and hissed before getting ready to pounce, Luigi luckily dodged them before quickly sucking them up.

His eyes landed on a statue, however once as he got close it sunk into the floor and the door became blocked off.

Three snake heads then same out and started shooting lasers at the chains above...

He quickly ran over to the first head pushing sand up with the poltergust to allow me to reach it, Luigi tried pushing the snake head but he wasn't strong enough.

The ceiling shifted above them, "m-maybe the burst can help me?!"

Using the burst was apparently the way as the snake head was deactivated and was pushed to look up.

The ceiling was starting to come down so gooigi quickly did the same with the second one...

The chains started to fall, and pieces of cement were also hitting the ground.

There was only one remaining, Luigi scurried up the sand loosing his footing due to the amount of fear was building up, he quickly used the burst and it was over, the ceiling above was slanted, meaning that it would've come down if he was too slow.

Letting out a sigh of relief he went back to the statue, which now reappeared, and pushed down the arm, it's eyes glowed and the door opened...then he sees some written on the statue.

Beware of  serpic...

"Huh?" but he also heard something else come from outside.

Without a second thought he left the room as fast he could in case that ceiling would fall at any minute, he then noticed one snake on the hole.

suddenly they heard a loud noise come from the left room, after a few seconds it happened again.


Gooigi saw ge went over to the door, but when he tried to open it, the door wouldn't budge.

"Luigi! Are you in there?"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 6: Luigi's mansionWhere stories live. Discover now