Egyptian nights

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"Come on dad we got to get you out of here" Luigi walked his dad to the elevator and he pressed the button opening it.

"But what about you Luigi, what about your brother? What about your sister?"

"It's ok dad I hit this, Sophia is fine I swear she's upstairs on the fifth floor"

But little did he knew, hellen was watching, "send in the blobs to retrieve our special guest" she chuckled.

Mario dad went in the elevator, "you be careful luigi"

"I'll be fine dad, just get to the lobby"

But As soon as the elevator door opened he heard immediately dropped once he noticed a panel sticking out of the ground, "Gooigi...could you step in the middle of the room?"

He gave Luigi a confused look but shrugged and stepped on the panel, it went down and four dispensers that looked like snakes shot out poison tipped arrows, "oh, that's why you wanted me to step on it?"

"Yep" Luigi slowly nodded as he left the elevator and shuffled around the trap, polterpup following close behind.

"I guess cl was right about all the traps," Luigi chuckled nervously.

The three of them walked down the hallway until they made it to a door blocked off by a pile of sand, he quickly cleaned up the mess before opening the door and his eyes widened in shocked.

A large pyramid stood in the middle of the room, the whole ceiling was painted blue with stars that looked real, the ground was covered in masses amount of sand and an old cobble path led to the large entrance of the ancient structure.

"And now I'm in ancient Egypt, of course, sure why not I mean I just went through: a kitchen fight, castle duel, a crazy musician, a garden, a mall cop, a film director, a prehistoric cave ghost, another plumber ghost, a poltercat and now, I mean what else can go wrong" Luigi chuckles hysterically.

"Very Sandy!" Luigi grunted, must of got some of it in his shoes. "How are you not getting any sand stuck to you?" He asked gooigi.

He looked behind me and saw Gooigi jumping into the sand, laughing like a child that has been taken to the beach for the first time. "I have no idea!" He said through giggles.

Luigi rolled his eyes before approaching the large door...sealed shut.

Gooigi then jumped onto me unexpectedly and pushed him into one of the statues, a click was heard and the statues eyes started to glow and the door opened.

"Gooigi! What was that for?" He yelled as he checked himself for any wounds, he didn't respond as he laughed at anything he could set his eyes on.

Was that dart really poisonous?

Or was it something else.

Luigi heavily sighed as he lifted himself off the ground, he then narrowed his eyes at Gooigi, "get back into the poltergust. Now." Gooigi laughed a little and then collapsed onto the floor, he separated into blobs before going back into the vacuum.

then he entered the pyramid and saw a sarcophagus in the middle, Luigi then carefully opened it, but he felt polterpup pulling on his leg like he was trying to warn Luigi not to open it.

then he watched as a female ghost came out of the tomb, she was beautiful....

 then he watched as a female ghost came out of the tomb, she was beautiful

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