Despite her determination, a palpable tension lingered in the air, evident in the strained expressions of the servants who stood nearby. It was clear that not all shared in the lady's enthusiasm for the impending homecoming. Only a select few, those who were closest to her, mirrored her anticipation with genuine smiles and supportive gestures.

As she stood at the gate, her thoughts drifted to her husband, a man of unwavering resolve and stern demeanor. Though she longed for his presence beside her to greet their son, she knew all too well the futility of expecting him to deviate from his own convictions. Disappointment gnawed at her heart, yet she resigned herself to the reality of their strained relationship, a silent ache that she carried with stoic grace.

In the midst of her contemplation, the sound of approaching hooves drew her attention, and her gaze snapped to the carriage that now came to a halt before the estate gates. With bated breath and a flutter of anticipation, she braced herself for the long-awaited reunion, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited the sight of her beloved son's return.

As the carriage door swung open, the lady's son emerged, as expected, but to the astonishment of everyone present, he was not alone. Stepping out of the carriage beside him was a woman of ethereal beauty, her presence commanding attention and leaving those around her spellbound.

The assembled servants and onlookers, including members of the caravan, stood transfixed, their mouths agape in disbelief. They were at a loss to comprehend how this woman had seamlessly integrated herself among their ranks, her otherworldly features and captivating aura drawing every eye upon her.

Men and women alike found themselves entranced by her beauty, unable to tear their gaze away from her radiant presence. It was as if she possessed a magnetism that transcended mortal bounds, ensnaring the hearts and minds of all who beheld her.

The silence was broken by a cough from Jong-min, whose timely interruption served to dispel the mesmerizing spell that had enveloped the crowd. As the son and the mysterious woman approached the lady at the gate, a flurry of whispered murmurs and curious glances rippled through the gathering, each person grappling with the enigma of her sudden appearance and undeniable allure.

As Jong-min stood before his mother, their eyes met with a flood of emotions, and they embraced each other tightly, finding solace and reassurance in the warmth of their reunion. They exchanged heartfelt inquiries about each other's health and well-being, cherishing the precious moment of togetherness after their time apart.

After their tender exchange, Jong-min's mother's curiosity was piqued, and she gently inquired about the identity of the mysterious woman standing beside her son. With a soft smile, she prompted Jong-min to introduce his companion.

Taking a deep breath, Jong-min began to speak, following the script they had devised earlier in the forest. "Mother, this is Lysandra," he began, his voice steady as he recounted their fabricated tale. "She hails from the west, born into a wealthy family that graciously supported me in my business ventures abroad."

He continued, weaving a tale of chance encounters and blossoming love. "Lysandra and I crossed paths, and amidst our collaboration, we found ourselves drawn to each other," he explained, his words carefully chosen to convey sincerity. "In our hearts, we knew that we were meant to be together, and so, we made the decision to elope."

Jong-min's mother listened attentively, her gaze softening with understanding as she took in his words. Though the circumstances seemed unconventional, she trusted her son's judgment and welcomed Lysandra with open arms, eager to embrace the woman who had captured Jong-min's heart. With a warm smile, she extended her hand in greeting to Lysandra, ready to welcome her into their family fold.

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