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the devil

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the devil

Margaret gripped around the wooden material tightly, known to her that someone was behind her. By the sound of the footsteps, it was someone tall and lean. Margaret's heart began beating fast that for a moment it might've come out her chest. She carried on walking,calmly, a plan set on her mind. She walked up to a thick tree, and hid there.

Her body relaxed onto the hard trunk, she had to execute this plan swiftly if she wanted to make out alive. Turning off her body she listened.

The parson's steps were closer and faster giving her a hint to prepare. Arrow set and ready to shoot, she took a breath and briskly came out the tree. Only to be encounter with...nothing.

'Did I imagine it...'

She shook her head, confused at the misinterpretation her mind had done. She loosen her grip on her bow and let out the breath she had held. Turning her gaze she was met with a shiny blade swinging her way. She kneeled down and jumped away, her bow falling out of her hand.

She had landed away, she looked up and saw a fully coated person. They ran towards her, blade in hand. She picked up a thick trunk beside her and ,too, sprinted at the coated figure.

Hopefully, life would be beside her and grant her moves on combat fighting. She swinged the trunk at the person, they were too fast and dodged her hits. The hooded person swooned around their leg knocking Margaret of balance and landing bareback onto the dirt.

Margaret winced at the pain coming from her back, letting out a choking cough.

The man pointed his blade at Margaret, with it he took off her hood.

Looking up at the figure, now with a clear view, Margaret felt a chill go down her spine.

The moons illumination highlighted the persons figure. Their face darkened due to the covering hood. Their crimson orbs shined out.

Margaret felt their eyes piercing through her soul. It was as if the she encountered the devil.

She couldn't avert away her black orbs from staring  back.

"I believe you aren't a hunter." He spoke. His voice was smooth.

Margaret rose from the ground, the blond moved away his blade.

"And I believe neither are you." She confirmed more than a question.

"We better hurry to the fortress. The kids don't have much time left." He looked at the stoned structured that was popping out from the trees.

Margaret had stood up and picked up her bow. "Kids?" She stride towards him.

"Yes. We should move now." He took the lead.

Margaret followed behind him, he seemed to know what he was doing. She could use someone's determination. His agility could come in handy. She figured she could cover their back and he the front.

Shortly they had arrived at the fortress, there weren't hunters anywhere near. Some shouts were audible from inside and screeching screams came following behind.

They walked towards the structure entering it. To be met with a grotesque scene.

The room's stoned walls were decorated with liquid filled jars. What made it more eery were the decapitated children heads in the jars.

Up on the wooden shelf from the jars were skulls - children skulls - possibly hundreds of them.

How sickening. Margaret gazed at all of the jars specifically the male ones. Her eyes bouncing from jar to jar unsure of what to look for. She didn't know what she was looking for, perhaps her brother's head or maybe not.

The man extended his arm in front of Margaret stopping her on her track and cutting her from her thoughts.

"Stay here and guard." He commanded and went into the dark doorframe.

She brushed of his need for taking initiative in everything. She continued observing the jars as if they were a display from the museum. Whatever purpose or need this person had for displaying innocent children's decapitated heads was wrong.

It was harsh knowing that maybe even the person knew they are wrong but still continue this act.

She stumbled upon two jars of the heads of a girl and a boy, underneath them had a metal plate with an engraving reading; Agape. Selfless love between a brother and sister.

Margaret gazed at the boy, he must've fought hard for his sister. He did till death.

She averted her gaze to another metal plates and read its engravings. An aching pain began to hit her head. She held onto the shelf with her hand and the other massaging her nose bridge.

A vision was being created in her mind she tried fighting it off but the vision was stronger. She stood on long grass. A cold breeze blew by Margaret along with some shouting's.

'Mary!' A familiar voice shouted.

Margaret shook it off, blocking her mind from getting to her. It wasn't a vision it was a memory. At the worst time her mind reminded Margaret unnecessary memories. And brought painful headaches.

She held her head, the pain was going away but it left a horrible migraine.

The blond man reappeared from the dark doorframe along with two little girls. They both looked safe - frighten - but safe.

Margaret looked at the girls with a sympathetic look. No one could imagine what two little innocent sisters went through. She accompanied the three of them to the exist.

 She accompanied the three of them to the exist

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I got to admit this chapter was rather longer. Hope it was enjoyable :) Please give feed back regarding the story. Like and Comment. See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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