is it over?

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"They're comin' out of woodowork!" Leon yells in the middle of the street in a pile up with Judy on his back and Helena right behind him shotting at zombies

Judy looks around to see a plane slightly on fire "Leon look!" Helena points up to see the airplane fall on top of a gas truck into a hole

Leon points to Helena as she backs away "Run!" Leon orders as they start to run away from the explosion and cars flying behind them.  They then see a helicopter fly past them flying ahead of them as a soldier jumps out of the helicopter onto of a car

"Over here! Get in!"

With Yoon
"Judy's with Leon?" Yoon loks at his phone at hunnigan

"I would like to say safe but..."

"Leon's on a mission..." Yoon sighs

"Leon's kept her alive this long she'll be ok in his care"

"I trust Leon... It's the setting that worries me. I hope she's ok"

With Leon
Helena and Judy are in the helicopter as a car slams into the solider as Leon jumps on the helicopter as a zombie grabs him "Shit!" Leon yells looking down at his feet kicking the zombie off into the fire below as the helicopter goes up. Leon climbs up on the helicopter taking a breather before the helicoper goes rogue. Leon walks over to the front to see a dead soldier

"What the...!?" Leon sees the helicopter about to crash and gets in the front seat. Helena picks up the dead solider moving him as Judy runs over and sits on the seat next to him "Damn it! I can't bring her up...! come one!" Leon makes a turn making the edge hit a sign

"Pull up!" Helena yells as Leon pulls up on the lever as they're going down. Judy covers her eyes

"C'mon, C'mon...Pull up!" Leon gets the helicopter up

Helena puts the man in the back holding onto Leon and Judy's seat for safety "This thing isn't gonna hold up much longer!"

"Just a few more blocks!"

Judy looks behind her to see the dead solider and gasps. Helena turns around to see the pilot start to fall over as Helena catches him. She turns him around to reveal he's infected and screams. Judy screams "Helena!" Leon yells looking at the struggle shooting the solider off of helena for a second. Helena falls down in the back in a seat as the soldier tackles Helena as leon shoots him in the back again. Helena and him keep struggling as Leon shoots again in the back as the solider falls out of the helicoper. Leon looks ahead crashing on the sides on building as Leon's flying all over "hold on!" Leon sees a train front of them slamming on the side before crashing into a building. They all see an office as they keep slding until they crash into a large object.

Leon Helena and Judy fall backwards barely holding onto the helicopter before falling down. Leon slams his shoulder into glass making it crack feeling his shoulder as Judy falls on top of him making Leon groan. "Sorry" Judy looks down and gasps closing her eyes

"it's fine" Leon looks down to see a bunch of zombie looking up at them then they look up to see the helicopter and the large object is hanging by a thread. "come on!" Leon picks up judy as Helena and him run out of the glass floor as the object falls behind them "You two all right!?" Leon puts Judy down

"yeah" Helena replies as they walk toward a door

"Are you ok?" Leon looks down at Judy. Judy nods as they walk into double doors

"Something doesn't feel right" Helena says as they walked into a huge room with gas tanks all around and dead soliders all around. Leon and Helena jump down with judy in Leon's arms. Leon goes to check on a solider to see if he's dead and shakes his head looking up  at Helena.

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