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Angels pov--

When I woke up I didn't see G nor Side.

"What the fuck?" I rub my eyes

Then the door swings open and Speedy is standing there.

"Morning Sunshine!" He smiles

I blush and look down

I then feel my face get pulled up and lips connect to mine. I instantly kiss back.

Okay, I like Shadow but I've liked Speedy since day one.

"I made you breakfast." He says as he pulls away

I nod and stand up.

I follow Speedy downstairs and see Shadow and Side wrestling on the couch.

G saw me and ran up to me.

G is like an older brother. He always protected me.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked

"Great. You have a lot of body heat." I smirk

He laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

We walk into the kitchen and Speedy pulls out my chair for me.

"Thanks." I smile up at him

He kisses my forehead

I then feel eyes burning into me.

I turn and see Shadow.

I quickly look back at my plate.

"So feller how'd you sleep?" Deluxe asks as he grabs a cup of coffee

"Good." I smile brightly

"Oh okay, so today Shadow and Nobody are going to Michigan to get his girlfriend. And Legion and Hova are going." Speedy smiles

I nod

"Then me and G are going to New York to grab an old friend of ours." Speedy says

"And me and D20 are going to South Carolina to see our parents for like 4 days." Deluxe smiles

I nod.

"What about Side?" I ask

"I'm staying here with you." He says as he leans on the counter beside me.

I laugh and role my eyes

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