〜 Divine Visionary of Space Chapter 1 〜

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Edited on April 8, 2024

Third-person pov:

Back then,

It was the afternoon, Y/n and her mother were finishing up their snacks together and Y/n saw her best friend Rayne and his little brother Finn from a distance going out to the forest to play.

Y/n got so excited she put on her boots and ran to her mother asking permission if she could go outside and play. Mom, can I go outside with my friends? little y/n said.

Yes, sweetheart, you can go outside as long as you are back before dark and SAFE out there okay, love? OKAY MOM I WILL, I LOVE YOU! You said that while running to the front door. You were running to find the two boys but you couldn't find either of them.

You sit down on the bottom of the tree trunk while seeing it is starting to get dark out. As soon as you stood you heard a stick snap behind you. You turned around and didn't see anything so you yelled out," WHOSE THERE?" but nobody responded.

Little you were starting to get scared and started walking around the forest yelling out for Rayne and Finn but nobody responded to you.

At this time you got lost and it was already dark out. You promised your mother you would be back before dark and you broke that promise so you just found a log near the small river and started crying.

While crying, there was someone be hide you. You didn't sense the person's magic because they were able to contain their magic. The little boy with half yellow and half black, yellow eyes and two lines going down his face was walking slowly to scare you but he didn't you were crying. The little boy stepped on a little tree branch making it snap making your attention to the direction. You open your eyes to see Rayne, your best friend.

Rayne walks up to you and sits next to you, he asks if you're okay why are crying? You tell him the story of how you saw him and Finn heading to the forest to play but you got lost in the process of finding them and how you heard strange noise.

You kept crying until Rayne flicked the top of your head making you stop crying and complain about how it hurts.

"Y/n are you sure nobody was following you when you were in the forest?" Rayne said with a weird look on his face "I don't think so" Y/n said while sniffing a bit "Y/n I think we should go home now. Finn went home after saying he was hungry and as for me, I felt your magic around the area so I wanted to scare you but I guess it backfired. Okay, you said.

"Wait Rayne can you take me home? I'm scared to walk alone and it is too dark for me to see anything." Your cheeks were a bit red when you said that but you had to say it. "Sure y/n, I can walk you home." With a smile on his face.

You were blushing so hard at this point because you had feelings for him ever since you guys met. He grabbed your hand and started to walk you to your house.

Fast forward, You guys arrived in front of your house but something was weird about the house. You told Rayne that something doesn't feel right and you knew deep down in your stomach that something was wrong. You guys walk up to the door and Rayne grabs the door nob and opens it.

"Why is it already unlocked y/n? Doesn't your mom always lock the door?" By then he asked your speechless, trembling and you didn't care if Rayne was there.

Rayne saw you trembling and told you to just stand there while he looked inside the house. You didn't listen to him and just pushed the front door open. That was a bad idea...

You saw your mother lying on the floor, covered with blood, and kick marks and her wand was in pieces. You ran to her crying telling her to come back. You were hugging her even if you had blood all over your clothes and hands.

Rayne was just standing. there shocked, mad, and upset at the same time. Rayne walks to you and hugs you. That day was so hell for you.

You felt guilty and had so many thoughts on why and how did this happen. You were crying until the pain was all gone.

17 Years later...

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