
Yes! Biana thought as she hung up with Sophie. She was the last one; the sleepover was on!

Biana sucked in a breath.

What am I going to wear?

She quickly raced upstairs to dig through her closet. One hour later, still nothing. Then, suddenly, Biana saw it. The One.

It was a lavender beach dress with short tulle running down it; it was flowy; and purple; and perfect.

                                                                                     Biana's Outfit

                                                                                     Biana's Outfit

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But what will Tam think? She thought to herself

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But what will Tam think? She thought to herself.

Doesn't matter. She thought quickly. Why should it matter? He's not into me; so I shouldn't care what he thinks.

Nevertheless, she did care, and decided that Tam would like the outfit.

For her hair, Biana decided to keep it down; choosing to just curl it and spray in some conditioner to make it shiny.

Finally, for makeup, Biana curled her eyelashes and added mascara; put some blush on her cheeks; and dusted on some light pink eyeshadow and did an accent of eyeliner.

"Perfect." She said aloud to herself as she looked in the mirror. "Absolutely perfect."


I can't believe I'm doing this. Wylie thought to himself as he gathered up items for the sleepover. I'm not even in the Elite levels anymore; I'm an adult!

Then he remembered that Linh would be there, and all contradiction vanished from his head.

Wylie rarely saw Linh anymore; with her being in school and Wylie being a new Regent. He only saw her when she came to visit Tiergan, and sometimes to talk to him, rarely. And Tam was always with her, so they could never truly talk.

Wylie had wanted to express his feelings to Linh for a long time, he just never got the chance.

This sleepover would be the perfect time to tell Linh how he felt. During Spin the Bottle or something, Wylie could figure out a way to cheat and get Linh and him in the room so that he could confess his feelings.

When All is Said and Done: A KOTLC Sleepover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now