Three Day Tour

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Harua pov
I started hurry Jo hyung. Oh gosh!! Why in the earth he is so lazy? "Omg!! Hyung we are gonna be late!!!" I hurriedly said as he was still sitting on the sofa. "oh gosh your ughhhh!" I annoyed at him and go to our room (oh yeah now we share one bed >_<) and get our bags to living room and suddenly I heard konck in our door.

I go to living room and see hyung is sitting with a lady. Well I guess she is on her 40s. But she looks like 20s. Why in the earth old people always looks so young. "um hyung?" I called him and he smiled at me "oh rua.. Meet Mrs. Shin. She takes care of kura when I don't stay here" he said while the lad- I mean Mrs. Shin smile at me

"oh hi Mrs. Shin it's really nice to meet you" I smiled at her and she smiled back before talk "I heard a lot about you from Jo. You're actually cuter in real life" Mrs. Shin compliments me and I blush "aww it's nothing" I mumbled and she chuckles at me. After some time with
She finally left with kura.

"ahhh!! I'm gonna miss kura" I said as I hugged on Jo hyung's arm "me too baby" he sigh and I looked at him "hey don't you think.... WE'RE GETTING LATE" harua panicked "Omg!! Bus gonna be here in 10 minutes" Jo said as he also panics.

Meanwhile the others

"k hyung did you take all yours necessary thing?" taki said as he ask k the final time before going to bus "yea darling I have everything I need. My hair brush, toothbrush, shampoo...... Blah blah and you" k said as he pointed at taki "yah it's not fair" taki blushed at his hyung's sudden flirting "ay shy boyy!" k said

"k hyung!" ej screaming from the back as taki and k both look back "hi joojoo" k said as he waved at him "hey hyung! what's up taki?" ej fistbump with taki

"good where's nicho? Taki as and ej point behind himself "hey nicho hyung!" taki waved as nicho come to them with a ghost face (he hates morning) "Omg you look so ugl-" taki was about to finish the sentence but ej stops him and save taki from nicholas "yah you wanna die?" ej said as he stops taki "nah I'm good"

"well look who's here? K said as all of them look at the direction "hey guys!!" harua greet all of them as he smile so bright "hi rua!" taki said as he also smile "whats y'all doing?" Jo said while standing next to harua "well we are waiting for the 2nd bus since the first bus is so full and coward" ej said while pouting

"well that's good" Jo said "hyung do we have to sit however we want or we'll have seatmate?" harua ask "well I guess we'll have seatmates" nicholas said while still having a ghost face "hyung if you go to bus with this face everyone will get out of the bus" harua said while laughing at nicholas "idc" nicholas said

After 5 minutes later

The bus has arrived. "I heard that the bus have three seats" k excitedly said "I hope we all are seatmates" harua said "me too" Jo also said while back hugging harua

"ahem we are here dude" taki said "I don't care" Jo said while tighten his hug "ah hyung!" harua said as he tries to move "Jo just let the boy breathe" ej said as Jo pull out from hug "whatever we're meeting at camp" Jo winked at harua "I know" harua rolled his eyes jokingly

"students please pay attention!! There is a bowl on Ms. Jang's hand please come and take one paper from here. And yeah please seat as the number you get.... Blah blah" the teacher explained everything

"hope I'm with you harua" Jo said as harua chuckles "me too hyung" "I hope that we all are together" taki said and nicho joined "yeah we'll do a lot of fun's" nicho said with a little energetically "yeahhh" k and ej said in unison

Harua pov

While chatting with my friends I accidentally hear something that I shouldn't some boys beside us were whispering each other but I eavesdrop them

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