Next Day 8:00am
Seungmin Pov

I woke up and got ready, I was una rush so I couldn't make breakfast for me and Chan.I walked in to his room and suprisingly he was awake, on his desk texting someone it was probably Jiyeon.

"Hey Chan, I'll be heading out now. I don't have time to make breakfast, I don't know when I will be back"


He seems annoyed, whatever I'll just leave.
I started walking to the studio again passed my a cafe to get myself a coffee.

"Hi Seungmin"

"Hi Seojoon, what are we gonna do today?"

"We are going to listen to the song and then film a small mv for the song, it's gonna be a cool cause we are only gonna use an old camera"

"I love making videos or taking pictures with those"

"Alright then it won't be a struggle"

We both listened to the song and changed some details, then we approved it, all that was left was recording and editing.


"Alright let's get started"

We it's had a fun time while recordings, many fails and bloopers but it will all look good in the end.


"I think that will conclude todays recording"

"Maybe we could add some scenes in the night! I think it will look good"

"Good idea min!"

"Alright for realsies we're done, you don't have to come tomorrow me and editing team will take care of it"

"Okay, bye I guess"

"Wait! How about we go somewhere to eat? It's on me"


We went to go eat at a sushi restaurant, the food was so good definitely worth five stars.
(please get my reference)

Now I'm walking home, I had a great day today. I can't wait till I tell Jen what I did today.


"Are you freaking kidding me right now!"

I am so pissed, all stores nearby are closed and my phone is at 2%.

Let me text Chan.


My phone died.

It's pouring, I have a dead phone, no umbrella, it's night time meaning I could get kidnapped any minute and it's scary out.

Only right way to get out of this mess is to run.


While running I tripped on a rock and now my nose is bleeding and so is my wrist.

I have no sweater, it's not my fault though. My phone said it wasn't gonna rain today! And I'm wearing a short sleeve gray shirt with bootcut jeans. Atleast I have pockets.

I put my phone in my pocket quickly then I grab my nose with my left hand and my right hand is just bleeding and barely able to move.

The walk took a long time cause I kept having to stop and look up cause of my bloody nose, my hand is now filled with blood.


Finally I made it to the apartment lobby how am I supposed to go in with a bloody nose?


I quickly ran in and went straight to the elevator.
After a few minutes of waiting I got out and ran to the apartment.
I am so in pain.
I open the door with my injured hand just to see a angry Chan sitting at the table looking at me.

"What the fuck did we just talk about yesterday"


Wait, didn't I tell him in the morning I would be gone?..

"I told you in the morning I was gonna leave and I also said I didnt know when I was coming back. Didn't you hear me?"

"No, it's not my fault though. I was talking to Jiyeon, we were planing on going out tomorrow. She said her sister made fun of her and destroyed most of her stuff. I feel bad for her"


"But you don't care about me?"

"What do you mean!? I worry wether you come home or not!"

"Yeah, but you dont worry about where I've been, the weather out, what if someone did something bad to me? Would it still be my fault for coming home late? Did you even adknowledge the fact that I have a bloody nose and I'm soaking wet? I have an injured wrist which also delayed my time to be here.It was storming outside, then my phone died, after I tripped over a rock which cause me to have a bloody nose and and injured wrist. I had to make small stops and look up because my nose was bleeding.And before you say you should've brought a sweater, the weather app was wrong and it didn't say it was gonna rain. You also don't know what I did yesterday or today, you didn't even ask how my day was!? Is it still my fault?"

Silence was all I could hear, my past trauma started to kick in. Now that I snapped at him I was scared at was he was gonna do something bad.

I ran into my room and started shouting.


"I'm sorry!! Please forgive me! I'll do anything!! Just don't hurt me!!"

I started to cry

Chans Pov

Did I hurt him that bad?


"I'm sorry!! Please forgive me! I'll do anything!! Just don't hurt me!!"

I could hear sob's coming from the room.
Did I remind him of.. Jaejin?..

I went to his door and opened it. He screamed and ran away from me before bumping into his wall.

"I'm sorry.. please don't hurt me.. *sob* I'll do anything"

"Seung, I'm sorry.. I've been so ignorant these days. I'm stupid, I'm a bastard I am just sorry Seungmin, I didn't want to remind you of him"

I hugged him then put him on his bed, I was resisting going to sleep with him.
I went back to my room and left Jiyeon on delivered.
Just go to sleep..

Woo! A longer chapter!
Anyways guys I hope y'all like it, if you have any ideas please tell me !!



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