Part 2

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Obi-Wan and Anakin ran back to the others with good news.. "We found a temple of soughts." Obi-Wan said to Master Yoda.. "Believed to be a Jedi Temple of the Old Republic.." Jocasta Nu said to him.. "I have never heard or read about it before." Obi-Wan said.. "It is really cool, hyroglifics and all." Anakin said to them.. "Mmmm.." Yoda said.. "Maybe we could use it as a base for now.. Until we decide what must be done about the Brotherhood." Dooku said to Yoda.. "A wise idea, Count Dooku.. We shall take shelter there and meditate on our next course of action." Ki-adi-Mundi said to him.. "As you wish Master Mundi.." Dooku said to him going to collect Assaj to organise the help with moving the remaining Jedi along.. "Excuse me Master Kenobi, can Anakin help us with the little ones now?" Ashlyn asked him, batting her eyes at him.. "Yes, you must go and help Anakin.." Obi-Wan said to him. "Yes, Sir." Anakin replied walking away with Ashlyn, who turned back and smiled at Obi-Wan.. "You should take heed, Obi-Wan, a young girl with a crush can lead you away from the Jedi order." Dooku said to him.. "I will not lose my faith, Master.  I have been given a great responsibility to teach the boy.. I will not fail Qui-Gon." Obi-Wan said to him.. "I am sure you will not mean to, but we all know that it is a hard line to draw when you are young." Dooku said to him.. "Then I will learn from my mistakes." Obi-Wan said as he walked away to help the others with the move.. "Mmmm.. we shall see." Dooku said smiling at Ventress..

"No, Jade, Ahsoka don't go down there!" Ashlyn said, chasing them down the darkened hall.. "Catch us." Jade said giggling as she ran.. "No you must return, I can not protect you down there!" Ashlyn yelled as she ran.. "What is it Ashlyn?" Obi-Wan asked as she ran past him.. "Jade and Ahsoka have disappeared into the darkness." Ashlyn said with a heavy sigh.. "Oh well we can not have that.." Obi-Wan said as he ignited his lightsaber to give them some light to walk by.. As they got deeper into the cave, Ashlyn automatically moved closer to Obi-Wan.. "Jade.. Ahsoak.. Where are you?  Jade? Ahsoka?" Ashlyn called as they walked.. "Jade, it is Obi-Wan and Ashlyn.. Where are you and Ahsoka?" He asked the darkness.. It was then that they ran, and fast.. Jade let out an ear piercing scream..  "Oh my it sounds like something has her.. Quickley Obi-Wan!" Ashlyn said, running ahead of him.. "Jade!" He yelled as he ran.. Right into Ahsoka and Jade, who stood in total shock at the man in the Bacta tank..

Sifo-dyas stepped off of his ship, he could feel the disturbance in the Force.. He walked into the Jedi temple to be confronted with Jedi Guards all dressed in black.. He stood for a moment before they drew their red lightsabers on him. "Who are you and why are you in the Jedi Temple?" He asked, as he ignited his blue lightsaber.. "You Sifo-dyas are now standing in the Temple of the Brotherhood of Darkness.. You will comply, or you will become a slave." Agen Kolar said to him.. "I will do neither.. I will speak with Master Yoda." Sifo-dyas replied.. "He and the other Jedi have left the planet with their tails between their legs." Agen said to him with glee.. "I do not believe they would do such a thing.. As to leave their fellow Jedi to such an order." Sifo-dyas said to him.. "Believe it, because it is the truth.. I have no reason to lie to you.. I was, am your friend.. Would you like to see who is here?" Agen asked him..  "What have you done?" Sifo-dyas asked with concern.. "I have seen the light.. I know the truth.. I know that the Jedi are not the perfect order they claim to be.. But the Brotherhood of the Darkness is." Agen said to him.. "Then it is a sad day indeed, my friend.." Sifo-dyas said to him as he took up the stance to do battle.. "Oh no, I will not battle with you.. But I have the perfect playmate in hand for you.. Bring him." He said as the guards took Sifo-dyas by the arms and led him down the halls of what was once his home, the Jedi Temple..

He led Sifo-dyas down the hall under guard, and into what once was the training room.. In there sat Mace Windu in a sad state, along with a red man he had never seen before.. But Obi-Wan had given a detailed report on.. "Maul?" He whispered as he watched him working.. He was doing his normal spins, jumps and taunting with his red lightsaber.. In the small enclosure they had surrounding them was Beth Serenno.. She had cut marks all over her body from where he had taped her with his lightsaber..  "Mace, what is going on here?" Sifo-dyas asked.. But Mace looked away from him with a defeated look.. "I think Master Windu is almost ready to fight for us.. What do you say Luminara?" Agen asked her as she stood watching.. She did not speak.. "She is a tough one, but as we know she is adaptable." Agen said to Sifo-dyas.. Luminara's eyes looked through Sifo-dyas as if he was not even there.. "Luminara?" He said to her.. "I no longer go by that name.. I am simply Undula." She replied like he was nothing.. "Don't mind her, we have another former Jedi for you to duel with.. Come here Tiin.." Agen said to him.. He looked up at Sifo-dyas, and growled.. "He has taken well to the Brotherhood.. He did not take much to turn.. I think he always wanted to become more than Master Yoda wanted for him.. What do you say, would you like to fight for your freedom?" Agen asked him.. "No.. I would not.. But if I must, I will fight with everything I have to take you all down." Sifo-dyas replied.. "Oh goodie, he will take a lot of taming.." Agen said with glee as he watched Sifo-dyas step into the ring with Saesee Tiin.. The only difference was, Sifo-dyas had no lightsaber.....

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