Scene 2 - Back In Portorosso

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(The invisible camera moves down from the cloud cover to pass down and give us a bird's-eye view of the train returning to Portorosso, before following the train up its length and resting over the Marcovaldo house. Cutting out of the bird's eye view, Alberto runs out excitedly from the gate and skids around the corner, only for Mr. Marcovaldo to call after him in amusement.)

Mr. Marcovaldo: If you're not going to slow down, at least tell them about the delivery before I get there!

Alberto: (Skidding to a halt, remembering) ...Right. I will! (Taking off again)

(It cuts to him skidding into the station the moment the train pulls in, and it soon comes to stop. He stops a few feet away from the edge of the platform and waits excitedly.)

(A few people come off the train from various cars and he seems a little discouraged. He turns around to look at the small crowd leaving the station just in case he missed them, before there's a tap on his shoulder.)

Giulia: What's wrong with you, stupido? Looking for a few someones?

Alberto: (Spinning around to instantly hug her) Giulia!

Giulia: (Teasing) You still remember who I am? (Softening up) Hey, Berto.

Alberto: (Confused, loosening the hug a bit) Where's-

Luca: (Popping up from behind Giulia) I'm here, too!

Alberto: Luca! (Shifting over to let him into the hug) I missed you guys so much.

Giulia: (Once they've pulled back, ruffling his hair) Of course you did-!

Luca: (Suitcase in hands) What do we do with all our stuff?

Alberto: We can take it back to the house! Besides, there's already a-

Giulia: (Almost over Alberto's voice, looking into the distance) Papa!

(She runs past the boys and right into her dad's arms for a hug.)

Mr. Marcovaldo: How was school?

Giulia: It was great-!! We used the telescope a lot in Advanced Astronomy, and we went on a field trip for History, and we read the best book in Literature! (Shrugging) See, I told you not to worry.

Alberto: (Whispering to Luca) You guys really got to use those computer things every day?

Luca: (Nodding) Yeah! We used them for schoolwork, and we even had a computer lab where they kept most of them.

Alberto: Too bad humans never drop anything like that in the sea...

Mr. Marcovaldo: (Having stood up) Did you tell them about the delivery yet?

Alberto: (Freezing up, kinda embarrassed) ...No...

Giulia: (Looking at him, teasing) What delivery? Did you forget?

Alberto: (Flustered) I was about to, but you interrupted me!

Luca: (Small nervous voice) G-guys, we just got back, don't argue already-

(Alberto and Giulia both look at him in slightly confused silence.)

Alberto: You-... thought we were...

Giulia: ...Arguing...?

(After sharing a slightly amused glance, they both come up to him with Alberto's hand on his shoulder and Giulia's arm around his shoulder.)

Luca: So... you weren't arguing-...?

Alberto: Nope.

Giulia: (At the same time) Mm-mm.

Luca: (Relieved) Oh... O-okay...

Alberto: (Grabbing them both with and starting to run off) Now c'mon! There's still something back home.

Luca 2: The Complete Scriptजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें