Batmom PJO Crossover // pt4

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Wow... ok here we go


Percy's POV:

Who the heck are these guys? Wise Girl was the first to slowly lower her knife/dagger and the rest of us follow her lead though a bit uneasy and still holding off the strangers.

After Annabeth asks them who they are, the one I'm holding down responds, "I'm her oldest adopted son, Richard Grayson, everyone calls me Dick--" Leo, despite his condition snickers at that, as do I and Jason, while Nico has a small smirk. "Anyway, he--" 'Dick' points to the one Nico has pinned, "is Damian Al-Ghul Wayne, the youngest. That one--" he pointed to the guy holding Leo with a gun to his head, "is Jason Todd, the second oldest. And lastly there is--" he pointed to the one being held by Jason and Piper, "is Timothy Drake, but we call him Tim. He's the second youngest." 

We hear a grunt and huff and everyone turns there heads to where Frank--as a dragon--is pinning another guy. 'Dick' speaks up, "oh yeah. That is Bruce Wayne. He is her husband and who Jason referred to earlier."

All of us glance at each other, unsure, before Hazel speaks up, "Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. I mean, I for one think they are telling the truth." We all nod and relax our stance. I pull the water from holding Dick down. Jason--our Jason, Blonde Superman-- and Piper release Timothy. Frank shifts back to a human and gets off of Bruce. Their Jason--gun guy--releases Leo. Finally, and hesitantly, Nico releases Damian.

Nico's POV:

All of a sudden my mind is clearer. Like a fog being lifted. I didn't even realize I fell until Jason was helping me up. "You ok man?"

"No... (Y/n)!" Everyone's heads snapped to look at me as I said that but I didn't care. I turned to Annabeth, "Her mental hold. It's gone!"

"She put a hold on you?"

"'Scuse me what?"

"I mean she did, but, it's gone. She didn't really want to..but she thought it was the only it's gone"

I turned back to the barrier and took it down, not caring about anything but her right now. We all ran past where the barrier was and the first thing we noticed was the lack of monster bodies, yet the few giants here and there. Lots of monster death dust though.

However it changed when we heard a sickly voice, "She put up quite a fight you know..." We turned to see Sarah Jacobi with her hand in (Y/n)'s back. (Y/n) is covered in blood and her clothes are torn in various places. She has cuts and bruises are starting to form. There is a big gash on her arm as well.

"LET GO OF MY MA/MOTHER/MOM!!!" Her sons yell and they start to run before Sarah just laughs and slightly moves her hand. This results in the boys haulting as (Y/n) lets out a pained cry and and coughs with blood coming out.

"I don't care who dies! But since you do...indulge me. And I might just spare the daughter of Hypnos..."

As most of us are too stunned, Annabeth speaks up, "what do you want?"

Jacobi turns her head to (Y/n) and, with the hand not plunged through her back, wipes some blood off her face and pushes her hair back. She is clearly enjoying this. "I want you to give my the location of the Kane family. And not get in my way. I might throw in kneeling too--you know what--yeah, also kneel. Admit your defeat."

My jaw tightens as she again just slightly moves her hand, seemingly twisting (Y/n)'s heart.



I think I'll leave it there for now. 

What do y'all think?



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