Chapter 5 // No Netflix and Chill

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"So not yet? Maybe tonight?" She said smiling a bit will looking down. She normally looked at me in the eyes, I looked at her face getting every detail. "Maybe..." I turned back around and got to editing. The whole day we were talking about random stuff, We started singing at one point. I quickly messaged Steven asking if he could quickly take the dog on a walk and just take the tenner on the table for himself. Steven lived on the same floor of the apartment together, He adored Foxy. He shot a quick 'coolio' we went back to editing. Singing some nine inch nails song. Just before we left Finneas spoke up "YN come here for a second" I came over to him. Finneas whispered quietly to me "If your doing anything with my sister be careful and do not hurt her" I could tell he knew i wouldn't do something like that. "Yeah of course i would never do anything like that to you or Billie" He smiles and hugs me before waving me off to go to mines. Billie and i were talking about some songs that we liked. I spoke about liking conan gray and her songs.

We got back Foxy ran to Billie "Wow already choosing a favourite Foxy" I said walking over to the counter seeing a note 'Hey I only found a 20, So There's a tenner back' With a smiley face next to it i smiled and sent him a thank you text. Steven was also a bit younger than me i'm 24 and he's 19, we met from his parents i used to work for his dad. "Where should i put my bag?" She said holding her bag "Oh here let me put that in here" I said looking at my bedroom. I put her bag behind my door making sure it wasn't going to get hit by the door. I came back through and saw her sitting on the couch holding Foxy. I quietly went to the bedroom and grabbed the Polaroid camera i looked through the glass and took a photo it startled her. "Awh look at you" I mumbled. "Could i put this on my wall?" I questioned. She nodded and went back to playing with Foxy, I put it on my wall and when I turned around she was there. I didn't even hear her coming.

"Oh shit you scared me" I said. "Wait you have a TV in your room? She turned around to see a TV connected onto the king size bed. "Yeah" she gently placed foxy on the bed and sat down with him "could we watch a movie through here?" She asked taking her shoes off "yeah sure I have to keep the door open incase he needs food or water though. I'll turn off those lights while you pick a movie" I walk over to the big non walled house and turned off all the lights while she choose a movie. I came back and sat on the bed she was on the right side laying down. Foxy at the end of the bed standing up. I also took my shoes off and sat down next to her. She choose some horror movie and we sat and watched that and got into bed. She hadn't really planned on staying over but by the time we had gotten back i could tell she was tired. Less than a hour into the movie she had fallen asleep against me, so i turned off the TV since both of them were asleep and I gently snuggled into Billie and i fell asleep quickly

Billie Eilish X male reader // One DM to anotherWhere stories live. Discover now