Chapter 2 // She messaged?

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I woke up the next morning, my bed messed around. I fixed my bed grabbed some clothes and a towel and went to the shower. I had a shower got changed and sat on my bed i grabbed my beanie and opened my phone. I saw i had a DM, but i never message anyone on instagram. That's odd I thought, i clicked on Instagram and then clicked on the DM button and saw i got a DM from Billie? oh fuck she probably thought i was a weirdo yesterday, fuck man i thought to myself before opening the DM 'Hey it's Billie, I wanted to ask if i have at all scared you. When we phoned you, you quickly ended the call after seeing me. Finneas told me you were just shy but i wanted to make sure. You seem really cool and i didn't want to ruin anything' I read it quickly not sure how to respond Well i'm glad she wasn't calling me weird but i wasn't sure how to respond. I read over my text making sure it was okay.'hey sorry, i didn't reply sooner i was asleep, You don't scare me i just feel awkward a lot.' 

I sent the text message and grabbed my shoes and skateboard. Leaving my bedroom i grabbed a sandwhich i had made the night before and my bag before leaving making sure to lock the door. I headed out to meet Finneas, when i got there Finneas highfived me "Oh i hope you don't mind Billie is going to be here with you" I turned around in my seat "I hope a air conditioner falls on your head" I said he laughed and looked and me while leaning on another table "You'll be fine i promise anything is better than yesterdays call. She's really interested in you." He said walking away waving goodbye i waved goodbye back and unlocked the computer. I was so zoned out on my phone waiting for the computer to load up i didn't realise when Billie had came in the room. He popped her head next to mines and she spoke up "Hey!" I jumped a bit and turned around to see Billie. "Oh, hey- hi Billie, Sorry i didn't even hear you come in." I said standing up to shake her hand. She took my hand in hers and hugged me "No it's okay"

She laughed, I sat back down and she grabbed a chair and sat down next to me "Did you hear what i said to finneas before he told me where he was at?" I said, Opening the editing app i used on the computer. "About your shit? Yeah that was quite funny" She chuckled. I felt so awkward "Sorry i thought i was just with Finneas" I said "Don't apologise sweetheart, i thought it was funny" Did she just call me sweetheart?!! there's no way Billie fucking Eilish just called me sweetheart? My face was bright red as i tried to avoid her face. "I'm guessing you liked the nickname huh?" She flirted. Oh my god it's too fucking obvious oh my god. "What?" I said keeping my eyes to the computer. "So how do you make the album covers look cool?" She said ignoring what i had just said "Oh well i try my best to make them how the photo is designed by. like the colouring and shit. She looked closer her chair right next to mines and her face very close to mines as well "That's impressive" She said leaning back a bit "Thank you Billie"

Billie Eilish X male reader // One DM to anotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon