The following morning (chapter 3)

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to a very loud and obnoxious alarm, god I actually hate waking up early for school.
I got dressed and ready for school, I decided to wear a white T-shirt with a green crew tank top over the shirt, black baggy pants and green shoes.

I put on some jewellery and other accessories to complete the look, once I had finished getting dressed, I decided it was time to head downstairs.

I didn't have an appetite today so I just decided to skip breakfast, I grabbed my school bag and made my way out of my house.

As I was walking a familiar reddish car pulled up next to me. "Get in loser" Regina shouted from the car shooting me a smirk. God, she's so fucking hot. "Regina, are you sure? I don't mind walking, I don't want to be any trouble" I shouted back.

"Seriously Y/n we aren't going through this again, just get in you idiot" She smiles at me, this was not a fake smile, this was a genuine smile?

"Fine" I roll my eyes sarcastically at her as I walk over to the car. "Shit" I mutter to myself, realising I forgot my water bottle.

"What's the matter babe?" she asks me. Babe?? Why is she calling me babe???  "Earth to Y/n??" she speaks again, this time I answer, "Oh well it's nothing really, I just forgot my water that's all".

"Hm, okay" she says suspiciously, I was about to question it but then she stopped at a nearby convenience store, and before I could ask why she got out of the car and ran into the store.

A few minutes passed and she returned with a bag, she got in the car finally and handed me the bag.

"What's all this blondie?" I ask, she looks at me with a little blush on her cheeks, I'm assuming because I called her blondie, she then answers me "It's got two bottles of water in there for you, I grabbed an extra case you ran out, and there are some other snacks in there in case you want them".

"Are you sure Regina? I can't just take this. How much was it I'll pay you back??" I ask her frantically, she turns to me "Seriously take it, please?" she pleads. "Fine but I'm paying you back, so how much was it?" I ask casually.

"You're not paying me back Y/n" she says sternly. "Why not blondie?" I smirk at her, "Because I said so, now put them in your bag" she shrugs.

"Sure I'm 'not' paying you back" I say testing her, "Keep going Baby, see where that gets you" she replies, "I-uh" I stutter, she lets out a giggle before we pull up to school.

We get out and go our separate ways. I thought we would walk in with each other but I guess Regina has other plans.

Even though she walked away from me, I was still looking forward to English which was after lunch.

Regina sat down with the plastics, I sat with Damien and Janis. I looked over at Regina and she looked back at me, I gave her a wave and a smile and she just rolled her eyes at me??

What the fuck did I do??
I stormed away from the canteen, walked into the girl's bathroom and locked myself in an empty stall. I wanted to cry, I really really wanted to cry.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and I burst into tears, why was she being so mean? Did I do something? She was really nice this morning.

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