Later on (chapter 2)

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Y/N's pov

I turn around and see none other than Regina George, her shadow casting over me.

"What do you want Regina" I ask, "Well I saw you come over here and I wanted to ask you something", she replies.

"Oh, well what is it?" I ask with curiosity, "Do you know who I am?" she asks.

"Um no not really" I answer honestly, she smirks "I'm Regina George, you'll learn that name soon" she informs me.

"Oh well, I know your name, we sat next to each other earlier?" I say confusedly.

"I know that, but I was rude and I'm on a self-improvement type of cleanse" she answers.

"Oh right, well that's okay" I say looking away from her.

"So... Y/N, what are you doing over here?" she asks me, "oh well, the day is not even over and I'm so stressed, I've already gotten a detention, I have literally no friends and yet I still have more lessons to go, I just needed to come out here and clear my mind" I ramble.

"So you smoke?" she asks with a smirk, I blush at her smirk she's so hot "Yeah but only from time to time", I say looking down at my phone to check the time.

"So Regina" I start "Why were you so mean to me back there?" I ask curiously, "I've always been mean, I had an image to uphold but a few months ago I got into an accident and I've now realised I don't always have to be mean" she explains.

"Can I ask what happened?" I say politely, "What? Are you obsessed with me or something?!" she snaps.

"oh I'm sorry, I just wanted to know, I'll get out of your hair now" I say with clear hurt in my voice as I walk off.

As I walk into the school building I find Janis and Damien talking by their lockers, I walk up and greet them "Hiii guys" I say, "Oh my god hey bitch" Damien says, "Hi Y/N" Janis replies.

"What do you guys have next?" I ask, "We have French, what about you?" Janis answers, "I have French as well" I inform them.

"Well then we can walk together" Damien says with such a happy tone, he always seems to be positive, I love it.

"Thank you guys for being so nice to me on my first day" I speak. "It's no problem, You're really easy to get along with" Janis says with a smile.

The rest of the day drags until lunch, Janis and Damien show me the different cliques so I can find someone to sit with, none of the groups interest me so I ask if I can sit with them, they look at each other as if to confirm that I can and then they tell me yes.

Before we turned to sit down I realised there was a group they didn't mention to me, "Hold on, who are they?" I ask.

"Ohh those are the plastics" Janis replies, "We call them that because they are shiny, fake and hard" Damien explains.

They explain who Karen and Gretchen are, and then all of a sudden a familiar blonde takes a seat at the table, they try to explain who Regina is.

"I sit next to her in AP English" I inform Janis and Damien, "WHAT?!?" Damien exclaims a little too loud.

"Yeah, why?" I say casually, "Look Y/N we love you but please be careful when it comes to Regina" Janis warns me.

"Oh, okay?" I say visibly confused. The rest of the day and detention flies by and in a matter of time, I'm walking home from school.

As I'm walking a reddish car pulls up next to me, I think nothing of it and continue walking. "Hey, do you have to walk home?" Regina asks, her voice almost shouting to make sure I can hear her.

Is she talking to me? "Me?" I ask, "Yes, you Y/N, who else?" she answers "Uh yeah I have to walk home" I reply.

"Get in" she says, almost as if it's a demand "No it's alright I have to get used to it" I explain to her, "I wasn't asking, get in" she demands.

"Um, okay sure" I say as I walk over to her car and get in the passenger seat, she asks me my address and I tell her, I look down at my feet the entire time.

"What's the matter?" she asks me, "Nothing" I lie, still looking down at my feet, "Your lying, come on tell me" she says, placing a hand on my thigh.

Her hand is on my thigh, her hand is on my thigh? HER HAND IS ON MY THIGH?!?

"I- uh" I mutter "Oh sorry is that too much? I'm sorry" she says frantically as she removes her hand. "No it just caught me by surprise that's all" I explain, "Regina" I say preparing for a question, "Yeah?" she replies.

"I thought you were straight... are you?" I ask her looking down, "I'm not straight Y/N, but please don't tell anyone, I'm not ready for everyone to just yet" she answers my question, "Are you... you know, straight?" she asks me nervously, "No I'm a lesbian but I'm open about it".

"That's good Y/N, look I know I wasn't the nicest the first few times we spoke and I'm sorry about that but it's just because not being straight is something I've kind of only now realised and when we first talked I started to take an interest in you but I was a bit standoffish but I am really sorry about that-" she rambles but I cut her off, "Regina, it's okay" I comfort her.

We finally pull up to my house, "Thank you so much for driving me Regina, you really didn't have to do that" I say as I get out of her car, "No seriously it's okay" she says as I walk up to my door, "goodbye Regina, I'll see you tomorrow, thank you so much again!" I shout "goodbye Y/N, and seriously it's okay!" she shouts back as I walk into my house.

Authors note😜

sorry this wasn't as long as the other chapters, im not sure what else to say but i hope you guys enjoy this, if your confused read the authors note from the first chapter and it explains how this is sort of based/set.
if you have any suggestions please give them🙏

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