Will She Be Ok?

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Chloe's POV

When I got down to the cafeteria, I got my food, and sat next to my mom. I leaned my head on her shoulder, and cried.

"M-mom?" I sniffles.

"What, sweetie?" She asked.

"Is Maddie going to be ok?"

"I don't know sweetie, I don't know."

I kept crying. By the time we were supposed to go up, I hadn't even touched my food. I grabbed my bottle of Diet Coke, and walked upstairs with my mom. This time, Josh was there, talking to Kenzie. I ran up to him, and hugged him. We had been dating for six months, and he was the love of my life. I really needed his support right now.

"What's the matter, babe?" He asked, kissing the top of my head.

"I-I need to talk to you in the hall." I stuttered.

"Ok, one sec, let me tell my mom I don't want to go eat with them." He said, and walked over to Kelly. I saw them talk quickly, and Kelly hug him. He took my hand, and walked me out into the hall. We leaned against the wall, facing each other.

"What's the matter, Chlobird?" He asked, worried.

"I know Maddie's going to die, Josh, I know. You guys act like its ok, but it's not. I know the shape she's in. I'm worried, and I'll miss her! Josh, please, just support me, no help me, and tell me the truth. Everything you know." I said, one tear rolling down my cheek.

"Chlo, I know she was hospitalized because she has three broken ribs, one cracked vertabre, a major concussion, and a broken collarbone. Even if she does live, she wouldn't be able to dance for at least three months, or even her entire life."

"Ok. Thanks, Josh." I said, and started crying. He pulled me in, and kissed my forehead.

"Chlo, you know something?" He whispered, in my ear.

"What?" I asked.

"You won't be the only one who would miss her. Look at everyone in that room. Kenzie, Nia, Paigey, me, everyone. Abby, Gianna, even people who aren't here. You wouldn't be alone, and we all can help each other. So don't worry, ok?"

"Ok. I love you, Josh."

"I love you, too, Chloe." He said, and kissed my forehead one last time before we walked back in the room. We walked in, Kelly, Brooke, and Paige following us. Then, the doctors rushed Melissa in. We all practically screamed of delight, and we hugged her.

"Hey, guys. Kenz! You're ok!" She said, looking at Kenzie.

"Yup." She said, grabbing her mom's hand. Greg came over, and kissed her. Hailey and Hannah gave her hugs, and she smiled.

"One question, where's Maddie?" She asked, and everyone went silent.

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