The attempt at writing a date while failing

43 1 0

(Dis my most viewed story, Seriously, thx :])


(cringe warning?)

 this (-) will represent thoughts for this segment.

^[*4 as always*]^

eh, worth a try- the conversation!

^[after conversation]^

《Le Chat》


yo free?



I panic -God I'm so cringe. I find an idea on how to say it!- 

Can we go to a Cafe tomorrow pls?

-I regret my actions.-



morning or afternoon?


but where tho? 

-Kevin is not gonna be home tomorrow afternoon, guess walking is my only choice. (HeForgorHeCanGoOnBus)-

[insert location near him]

cool I'm close 

guess see you tmmr (IDon'tKnowHowToShortenTomorrow)

-Guess I'm gonna prepare-

I didn't


I wake up in the morning (InsertLyrics)

-since I'm going to a Cafe I don't have to wear tight as fuck coats that look mid.-

-but I still have to change, God damn it.-

I scan my closet with clothes slapped on and on the floor but am too lazy to clean it, I take out a short sleeved shirt with uhhhhhh- [insert something] on that I somehow convinced Kevin was a good buy. And a long sleeve shirt under, better safe than sorry! Now to find a pair of shorts or something idk! I choose a brown baggy pair of pants (tari's pants for ref) 

For the sake of my  messy closet and the sake of plot convenience I took until about until about the afternoon, don't worry, I didn't eat breakfast.

-Ffffffuuuuu- never mind. Do we have enough time for (fucking) breakfast? I suppose not, guess time to have some lunch.-


Waited for the elevator, got in elevator, go on ground floor, walk out the building, go to the cafe -surprisingly is pretty nice, if you forget the valentines decorations-

I walk in, seeing the tables and seats and sat on one for two.

-30 minutes early? Guess that how Kevin is motivated, but gotta remember to set it back when at home. I'm hungry now, god.- 

^[15 minutes later]^


Oh hey he arrived I guess.

*awkward silence* 

[310 words] (I deserve to be hanged because my chapters are abt 300 words)


So yeah, I have bad motivation and life has some other distractions from cruel life, I made the cliffhanger hehehhe >:)

I'm trying to make this as like real life as possible while having no experience with romance nor life :D (omgsendfuckinghelp /j)

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