1 ⇒ | Dancing with Danger

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                                 DELIAH 💋

"You're playing with fire, you know that?"

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"You're playing with fire, you know that?"

                        TW: foul language
As I strolled down Fifth Avenue, a chill danced down my spine, an eerie sensation that someone's eyes trailed my every move. Desperate to shake off the unsettling feeling, I weaved through the bustling street, but the eerie gaze persisted. My suspicions escalated when a figure in a sleek black suit emerged, towering over the crowd like a shadowy sentinel. With a quick glance, I caught sight of his dark, tousled hair and imposing stature, sending shivers down my spine. His muscular frame only intensified the sense of danger, especially with his face hidden behind a mask, save for those piercing eyes and that unruly mane of brunette hair. Determined to evade his presence, l dove into the bustling crowd, hoping to disappear among the masses.

Navigating the world of wealth and privilege, I couldn't shake the feeling that the man following me wasn't just another passerby. Was he a rival of my parents, or simply someone with less than noble intentions? The daring choice of attire, a dress that barely covered my butt, excuse my language, i mean my "rare", as my parents said, made me second-guess myself. As I debated the wisdom of my outfit, frustration bubbled up inside me as i saw him getting creepily closer to me.

As the idea of using karate for self-defense crossed my mind, I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself. I had no clue how to even throw a punch, let alone execute any fancy martial arts moves. FOCUS DELIAH! Panic started to bubble up inside me – was I really going to be left defenseless? This wasn't the first time I'd found myself in a tight spot, thanks to my tendency for getting into trouble. Growing up as part of the wealthy Astor family in New York City, I knew all too well about the dangers that lurked in the shadows of high society. With our family's long list of rivals, danger always seemed to be lurking around the corner. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I held onto a glimmer of hope – surely one of my trusty bodyguards would show up soon to save the day. Sneaking out had become something of a habit for me, but this time, it felt like the stakes were higher than ever.

Just as my trembling finger hovered over the call button, a powerful hand clamped over my mouth, yanking me back by the waist. I hadn't even realized I'd wandered into an empty street, along with this hulking figure. Panic surged through me as I struggled to scream, but before I could make a sound, the sickly sweet scent of alcohol assaulted my senses. With a sinking feeling, I realized he'd doused a cloth with some sort of chemical, and darkness descended over me as consciousness slipped away.


A/n: As the story progresses, I understand that this chapter may seem short, but I promise there's much more to come. Currently, I'm working on expanding the second chapter to dive deeper into the characters and their world. Your input and ideas are incredibly important to me, so please don't hesitate to share any thoughts or suggestions you have. I'm here to collaborate with you and make this story the best it can be. Hope you like it so far! Xoxo 💋


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