Chapter Five | 1515 Words

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♪♭Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Mama's gonna buy you a Mockingbird.

And if that Mockingbird won't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.♪♭


-The Sacrifice-

Piety arrived at Edwards just shy of ten minutes, went inside and took off her cloak hanging it on a hook by the door. She found it strange that the lock bar had been left open, but attributed it to the situation.

She slid it across the door, straightened her hair beneath her bonnet because the wind was awful frightful and if truth be known, an ill wind. It razed through the top branches of the trees quivering the leaves to and fro. Piety always said, the higher the wind in the sky the more ill intent it bode, and a quote breathed past her lips.

¹"The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven."

She crossed herself and went straight away to the fireplace and put on a tea kettle after adding several logs and stoking the glowing coals with the fire poker.

A baleful wail came from the adjoining bedroom, halting Piety momentarily and she looked toward the door as one of the midwives bustled out looking frazzled.

Upon seeing Piety she clutched her bosom. "Oh Ma'am you've bout near given me a fright! I didn't hear you come inside."

"You've left the door ajar, and I let myself in. Tis fine. Tell me how Sadie is. Is she close to birth? Is she faring well?"

"Aye, my lady, she is close. But to how she fares I cannot say. She is already in a weakened state."

"Go, and tell her I am here."

"Yes Ma'am," the midwife mumbled with a curtsey.


When Piety finally entered the room with a cup of herbal tea, Sadie was sat up against a pillow bathed in sweat but smiling demurely. She did not look weakened to Piety at all, but instead she seemed perfectly fine.

In her arms she held the most beautiful baby Piety had ever laid eyes on.

Edward's baby.

Sadie lifted the swaddling newborn up and Piety took his child gingerly, looking with adoration on the tiny porcelain features.

She looked back to Sadie and her voice was rich with tenderness as she inquired to whether she had a grandson, or daughter.

Sadie smiled. "Meet your granddaughter, Mother."

Piety broke into tears of rapturous joy. Her heart was full and she sat down beside Sadie and embraced her.

Between them they marveled at the exquisite little fingers and toes and the fine soft tuft of hair on the crown of her head.

So enamoured they were, neither of them noticed the silence from the midwives, or the looks of apprehension on their faces. Presently the older of the two, summoned her voice. "Ma'am, if it is all the same to you, we have cleaned and disposed of the birthing sheets, and will be taking our leave now."

Piety stood up to thank them and noticed movement, outside the window. It appeared to be a long procession of cloaked figures approaching her sons home. "Who might that be?" She asked absently going right over and peering out.

The midwives rung their hands together, clearly becoming upset. "We shan't stay here another moment, Ma'am, please!"

"What is this?" Piety demanded.

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