Chapter 4 - It's Nice to Have a Friend

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My Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 4

When I opened my eyes Saturday morning, I wasn’t sure where I was. But then a certain boy with white blonde hair trotted down the staircase to the boys’ dormitory, and I remembered with a scowl on my face.

“Hey,” Draco approached me but I jumped up from the couch I had slept on last night.

Without a word, I ran up to the girls’ dormitory and into my room. Ugh. Why did he have to see me like that? Quickly, I pulled on fresh robes and pulled my silky, dirty blonde hair into a ponytail. Today were the Quidditch tryouts I had learned about yesterday. Couldn’t miss those!

Before I went down to eat breakfast, I jogged into the room where Jake slept.

“Uggggh..” He groaned when I opened the curtains and a ray of sunlight hit his face.

“Morning, sleeping beauty.”

No reply. It was rather funny actually, this boy loved to sleep.

“Get up,” I was about ready to jump on him. “Quidditch tryouts today! Come on!”

That managed to get him up. Quidditch was one of the many things we had in common – we both loved it. It was amazing. Unfortunately I didn’t really have a good broom, Mum didn’t really have any reason to buy me one. I hated to admit it, but she was right. As for Nick, he was on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and had a Nimbus 2001. I’d have to ask him to borrow it today. I mean, I really didn’t stand a chance if I was to ride an ancient Shooting Star from the broom closet. If I did make it onto the team, I’d get Mum to buy me my own broom.

There wasn’t as many people trying out for the team as I thought. Jake, me, some 5th year and another student. Oh god, I thought, I forgot the Quidditch captain was Marcus Flint. The four of us lined up, and Flint’s facial expression turned into a look of disgust when he came across me.

“What are you doing here?” He sneered.

“What do you think I’m doing here?”

He thought for a moment, and then grunted. I smiled in triumph and glanced down at Nick’s broom, which he had lent me. I tell you you though, it wasn’t easy persuading him. But when I get my own broom, I won’t have to plead him to led me use it.

Tryouts began, and Marcus started testing out Jake, who was trying out for Keeper. Jake was really good! He stopped the Quaffle from going into all three of the hoops, leaving a bewildered expression on Flint’s face. I grinned and waved at Jake who waved back, but felt bad when the Quaffle hit him in the gut. Whoops, my bad.

It was finally time for me to try out. Me and the other two rose into the air, and the Quaffle was passed to me. I glided through the air, dodging the other two and approaching Jake from the bottom. It was a common weak spot. The bottoms of his lips curled upwards but drooped when I scored. In the stands I could hear Kev and Danny cheering for me, their yellow and red scarves blowing slightly in the wind. Flint’s jaw dropped as I landed gracefully on the ground. Without a second glance at him, I stalked past him with Nick’s broom on my shoulder. But he caught me by the shoulder.

“You are really good.”

A small smile formed on my face when I glanced back at him. After thanking him with my eyes, he declared me the new Chaser and Jake the new Keeper.

“Yes!” I exclaimed, throwing my fist into the air when Jake and I were back in the hall.

“You were amazing,” He breathed.

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