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For uno: "what caused you to be a murderer? Also murder more people"

Uno: "a brick fell on my head. Also!"

*stabs a couple people*


For uno: "TD says you can join her chaotic killers group :3"

Uno: "Yayyy! More friends!"

*Uno joins TD,Angie,icey,fanny,pillow,fourteen,six,and four in their murder group*

Uno: ":]"

[To all]

"Is cooking and baking the same thing?"

æ: "yes. You bake bacon,and you cook cookies."

Allie: "as a professional baker,I can assure you it's not...and you cook bacon,and bake cookies."

Iso: "yeah I'm pretty sure it's not!"

Uno: "no no it is! It's the same."

Thirteen: "uno,it's not..."

Indy: "it's not!"

Zer0: "it's really not."

Fuzz: "hm...I think it just depends,honestly."

Nōlo: "it's not."

s: "..." (secretly doesn't know the difference,burns fingers trying to do both.)

j: "dad says it's not!"

R: "yeah,it's not."

[Thesrihisir] (tell me if I spelled it wrong please-)

"Uno dos tres your bald 😚"

Unos weave is snatched

Uno: 😨

"MY WIG?!!?"

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